On Friday Mommy fell on her side, so the doctors did an ultrasound to make sure that Grace was ok. She looked perfect! She is now 2.4 lbs which is in the 49% of babies at the same stage in pregnancy, which is great. Her heart was beating at 153bpm and sounded strong. It was nice to be able to see how big and healthy she is. Although, it makes the pictures they give us even harder to really see because she is so tightly curled up in a ball. The top and bottom pictures are her face, we were able to see it more clearly at the doctor's office. The middle picture is her foot. Grace has got her foot wrapped so close up by her head that daddy asked "Wow that does not look comfortable" The ultrasound tech said, "It must be for her or she would move it" hehe - we love you Grace, even if you turn out a little strange like your parents! =)

Your Great-Grandmommy Knapp (J-Pa's Mom) went shopping and got you some great clothes, shoes, and toys! We are so lucky to have such a wonderful family surrounding us during this time. And of course, the Gator shoes are awesome! Grace will be a little Gator whether she likes it or not! =) Can't wait for Great-Grandmommy to meet you when she comes up for Thanksgiving!

We are still seeing your name everywhere, and each time we do we are reminded what a beautiful name it is. We love you Grace!