shabby blog
Sunday, September 25, 2011
36 weeks!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
35 Weeks
THEN it was Mommy's turn. We had our normal OBGYN appointment. However, when my cervix was checked the doctor was surprised to find I had already begun dilating and having contractions. We were told to head over to the hospital for further monitoring. Once the monitors were on, the doctors realized that my contractions were a little too regular for them to be normal. I was having contractions every 3-4 minutes and they were lasting a minute. Long story short, we spent the night at the hospital being monitored. I also got several shots and took a pill to try and stop the contractions. I was hooked up to an IV - that part was not fun. OUCH! And Grace had her heart beat monitored the whole time.
They were never able to stop the contractions, however it did become obvious that Grace was showing no signs of distress. She was just happy as can be kicking around in there. We did get to hear her hiccup which was really cool! Apparently when they hiccup they jerk the fluid and it makes a really cute sound on the monitor. We were released from the hospital with instructions to stay rested and hydrated for the next 4 days (the rest of week 35). Next week we will be going back to the doctors to find out if I can go back to work, or if bed rest will become my permanent hobby until Grace arrives. Here are some pictures from the hospital. Daddy says the gown makes Mommy look huge. Its a good thing Mommy was too tired to get mad! =)

While on bed rest Mommy did manage to get into the car and drive Uncle Taylor to the airport. Don't worry Daddy was driving, Mommy was just a passenger. Uncle Taylor was headed to Ohio for his second wedding this summer/fall!
Monday, September 12, 2011
34 Weeks & baby shower!
There was corn hole, a fire, eating, games inside if people wanted to play. Overall we had a great time! Here are a few shots of people enjoying themselves around! You get the general idea of how much their was to do! =)
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Time for Daddy to do an Update!
This past Thursday we started our getting ready for baby classes. We were surpised by the other students in the class. We always go in to these things feeling like we are going to be the youngest of the group and well let's just say we were probably one of the most prepared couples for a baby. Our teacher said that pregnancy is the great equalizer and it is true, all the pregnant mommies in the class could share the pains and weird feelings they are having.
This is where Grace will be born and the location of our classes:
Class was fun and I tried my best to not say anything to embarassing. I slipped up once when I shared the fun fact that most women fear having a bowel movement on the table while pushing more than the pain and the blood. The teacher handled it well and was able to move on.
We got a good laugh on Sunday while we were doing our "homework" for the class. There is a chart where we needed to track Grace's movements. Well Grace moves a lot and in the example they gave in our workbook, the sample mom felt 10 movements of her baby over 2 hours, by the time you are done reading this sentence, I am positive Grace has moved 10 times.
School is in full swing and I was able to start my stations with my students in Science. They are really ejoying the different scenery on a daily basis. They also really like having the opportunity to use the SMART Board rather than just watching their teacher do it. Kendall is having "fun" at her school and is accomplishing more than is humany possible, so it is a good thing she has me and her mom to go into school with her to get it all done.
We put all the finishing touches on the baby shower this week. The food, the cake, and the balloons are all ordered so everythign is set to go. I think it is going to be loads of fun and we are going to have plenty of food to go around. Next week we will get to update you on all the wonderful things we got in preparation of Grace's arrival.
One last side note, Taylor and JPa are making their way across Scotland, the land of Grace's ancestor on the Knapp side, so maybe someday Grace will be part of a Clan.