Grace is 5 1/2 months this week and WOW is she everywhere. She has continued to roll from back to belly and now does so almost immediately after putting her down. She is incredible curious about the world and reaches for everything! We lowered her crib this week. It is not on the lowest setting yet, but it is low enough that she can't get to her mobile even if she sits up on her own. (She is not doing this yet, but better safe then sorry!) We also put the bumpers back in the crib. We had taken them out because we were worried that she might move herself into them and not know how to get her face away for air. We put them back in because she kept kicking her legs out of the crib and then she had nothing to push off of, so she would just cry with her leg sticking through the bars! She doesn't look sad anymore! She loves rolling over to the bumper and feeling all the different textures. Grace has gotten so curious about the world around her. This week we experimented with different sized cubes. She is figuring out how to grasp them. She really wanted to pick them up but her little hands just seemed to push them away. Mommy would put them back in her reach and she would try again. She was thoroughly entertained for a good 30 minutes! She is moving all over the place! You can see from the next set of pictures that our little one is in constant motion for most of her awake time! It is amazing because she really only sleeps for an hour in the am, 2 hours in the afternoon, and then an hour in the early evening. However her days really tire her out, so she is usually in bed by 7pm and we don't see her again until 6am! She is one good night time sleeper.
Grace still loves standing in her exersaucer. She has figured out how to turn the flower to make a funny noise and how to spin the green tree so she can see the mirror! It is so exciting to see her learning new things. Now that she can roll over she is sleeping more and more on her tummy and side. This is a picture from the video monitor of her first time ever sleeping on her stomach! She still sleeps on her back at night, but many of her naps look like this. Last but not least here is a picture of Grace and her friend Eva! It is so wonderful for Mommy to have friends with little girls that Grace can play with. They learn so much from spending time with other babies. Two happy babies that is for sure! Sweet girl, we love you. More than all the fish in the sea times all the stars in the sky. You are our special girl.
Our beloved Ohio University Bobcats made it to the sweet 16 this year! We couldn't believe it! We were soooo excited. OU actually played UNC's Tarheels so we all dressed up in Ohio gear to show our support. Especially because it is possible that someday this little girl could be a tarheel... we had to get in her OU spirit while we can. The Tarheels ended up winning in over time, but we sure did give them a run for their money! Students then, Alumni now, Bobcats FOREVER!!! =) Love you sweet girl.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! We have one smiley girl who is enjoying life and growing so fast. Yes, its true, the leprechaun came to our house and turned Grace's formula GREEN! Can you believe it? This week has been just an exciting time. We had our first roll from back to belly. We also sat for the first time ever in a high chair at a restaurant. She now sits independently for a few minutes at a time. She is still working on balancing, but she has the general idea.
Grace is loving her new found mobility and freedom! She has a lot to say most of the time, and we love it that way! It is great to hear all her thoughts, even if I can't understand the exact words, I get the general idea. She also likes to talk to her toys now, which is SO funny to watch. She really gets into talking to them and smiling at them. hehe
Here are some pictures from this week - including ones where Daddy got an awesome back pack carrier for Grace so we can go on lots of hikes this spring/summer! We are excited to get out there and give it a try!
Mimi and J-pa were also visiting this week! We are lucky they have the kind of time that they can take to be here and watch Grace grow. She just loves spending time with her family. Grace Jacklyn, we love you little one. I hope you always feel safe and comfortable to share all your thoughts with us. We certainly love hearing them. I know I say it each week, but you are amazing! Right now you are chatting with an elephant shaped rattle. I think you are telling him that you like the way he tastes. =) All our love.