shabby blog
Monday, December 26, 2011
11 weeks! Merry Christmas!
This week Mommy took Grace in to see Daddy during the school day and bring lunch! His class was still in session when we arrived. All Daddy's 8th graders are crowded around the table. You can see Grace's car seat in the middle if you look close. They all thought she was "SOOOO CUTE!" One girl told us that she really wanted a baby. I told her that she could come up after lunch and change Grace's diaper... She changed her mind about having a baby now! hehe
Grace is working those muscles! Notice how she is now pushing up her shoulders/upper chest not just her head! We are hoping to see her start really rolling over soon!
Grace's Great Aunt Mary Ann and Marcia sent her a HUGE box of goodies! Grace looked tiny compared to her box. =) She is so lucky to have people in her life who love her so much! Thank you!!
Grace LOVED all her new outfits, toys, and goodies! She is giving a BIG smile!!!
We had Christmas at our house on the 23rd. We did not think we could fit all the presents into the car to take to the cabin this year. Of all the presents in front of our tree Mommy's favorite present this year was GRACE! =) Look at that happy girl! She is smiling more and MORE!
Grace's stocking.
Bow on her head!
Grace's first basketball hoop! SCORE!
On Christmas Eve we headed to the cabin. Our Cabin this year is called Muir Lodge located in Blowing Rock, North Carolina. We had a beautiful view of Grandfather Mountain. Mimi and J-pa were waiting inside, so excited to see their grandbaby!
Here is Grace on Christmas Eve. Her new napping schedule is working miracles! She is such an alert, cheerful baby during awake times! It is an absolute joy to watch her as she grows. Mommy and Daddy could not be more proud!!!
Grace is not quite sure what she thinks about this Santa hat! hehe
Christmas Morning we put on our cute Christmas Dress. We have been working every day on our tummy time and getting that head and upper chest up in the air! Christmas was no exception. She worked those muscles! Look how strong she has gotten!
Bean loves a good place to snuggle!
Uncle Taylor and Grace... I think Grace was getting ready to head back for a nap. You can see her eyes are starting to glaze over, but she had to stay awake while Uncle Taylor opened up her gift for him!
Giving her presents to Mimi and J-pa!
Grace's Aunt Jen got her the cutest socks for Christmas!
Dress says Mommy's Precious Gift. =) Couldn't be more true!
The day after Christmas we went to downtown Blocking Rock. A very cute mountain town here in North Carolina. Grace loved getting out in the fresh air! Although it was during her nap time... so she snoozed most of our time there.
Half Snooze.... trying to decide should I wake up or sleep more. PS - that hand is REALLY yummy!

Really neat little space we found. So glad that 8 years later this is still the man of my dreams! Good for Grace to know that not only do we love her with everything we have, but Mommy and Daddy love each other too.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
10 Weeks - double digits!!!
It's almost Christmas and Grace is just growing up a storm! She has officially changed over to size 2 diapers. She rolled over for the first time this week, from belly to back. We are pretty sure it was an accident as she hasn't been able to recreate it, but we were so proud! She gave her first real smile to Uncle Taylor and she was babysat for the first time! Our lives have all been blessed, we are truly lucky to have this little girl and to be able to watch her develop and grow.

Grace's shirt says "My 1st Christmas".

Grace has always been a kicker, from still inside Mommy's belly she would kick, kick, kick - but now she is really starting to enjoy the freedom of lots of leg room! She just goes to town kicking those legs and waving those arms!

Grace has always given her Daddy great big smiles! She loves to try and grab on to his beard and nose! Someone told me that maybe the contrast between Daddy's white face and dark beard makes it easier for Grace to see his facial expressions. Whatever the reason, she could watch him for HOURS!

Grace and Bean got a little closer this week! Bean was so good as she allowed Grace to pet her and feel her fur. I think it will still be a few more weeks before I feel comfortable with Athens being so close. After all, he could squish her more easily!

Grace has been adjusting to winter life. Here she is all bundled up to go out grocery shopping with Mommy!

Mommy and Daddy before their first date post Grace. Yes it was a tacky sweater party!

Mommy and Grace's Aunt Jen at the tacky sweater party.

Uncle Taylor stayed home with Grace and was her first official babysitter. We don't have any pictures of Uncle Taylor and Grace that night because she was sleeping when we left and she was sleeping when we arrived home. We know they had an awesome time though - there are videos to prove it.
And last here is our Angel all dressed up for Christmas. Grace, even when you spit up and have really stinky poos we could not imagine our life without you! WE LOVE YOU! Happy 10 weeks.

Grace's shirt says "My 1st Christmas".

Grace has always been a kicker, from still inside Mommy's belly she would kick, kick, kick - but now she is really starting to enjoy the freedom of lots of leg room! She just goes to town kicking those legs and waving those arms!
Grace has always given her Daddy great big smiles! She loves to try and grab on to his beard and nose! Someone told me that maybe the contrast between Daddy's white face and dark beard makes it easier for Grace to see his facial expressions. Whatever the reason, she could watch him for HOURS!
Grace and Bean got a little closer this week! Bean was so good as she allowed Grace to pet her and feel her fur. I think it will still be a few more weeks before I feel comfortable with Athens being so close. After all, he could squish her more easily!
Grace has been adjusting to winter life. Here she is all bundled up to go out grocery shopping with Mommy!
Mommy and Daddy before their first date post Grace. Yes it was a tacky sweater party!
Mommy and Grace's Aunt Jen at the tacky sweater party.
Uncle Taylor stayed home with Grace and was her first official babysitter. We don't have any pictures of Uncle Taylor and Grace that night because she was sleeping when we left and she was sleeping when we arrived home. We know they had an awesome time though - there are videos to prove it.
And last here is our Angel all dressed up for Christmas. Grace, even when you spit up and have really stinky poos we could not imagine our life without you! WE LOVE YOU! Happy 10 weeks.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
9 weeks! My Oh My!
This week Grace had her 2 month check up. She weighed in at 10lbs, 3 oz and was 21 1/4 inches in length. She was in the 25% for all her measurements! The doctor was also very impressed with Grace's ability to lift her head and look around. She said it was advanced for 2 months! That's our girl! Of course we'd be proud of her even if she wasn't. =) Grace also did a great job with getting her first shots! She cried but was easily soothed. Mommy on the other hand had a more difficult time with it. If only I could be as brave as Grace.
7:00-7:30 I wake up Grace, feed and change her.
7:30-8:00 Grace and Mommy play in the playroom, lots of tummy time!
8:00-10:00 Grace goes down for her morning nap.
10:00-10:30 I wake up Grace, feed and change her.
10:30-11:15 Grace and Mommy hang out in the living room. We work on standing and grasping.
11:15-1:00 Grace goes down for her afternoon nap.
1:00-1:30 I wake up Grace, feed and change her.
1:30-2:15 Grace and Mommy play in the play room, she loves looking out the window.
2:15-4:00 Grace goes down for her 2nd afternoon nap.
4:00-4:30 I wake up Grace, feed and change her.
4:30-5:30 Grace, Daddy and Mommy make dinner and eat, Grace watches from her bumbo seat.
5:30-7:00 Grace goes down for her evening nap.
7:00-7:30 I wake up Grace, feed and change her.
7:30-8:00 Daddy gives Grace a bath, then we all read a book and pray before bed.
8:00-2:00 Grace sleeps
2:00-2:30 I wake up Grace, feed and change her.
2:30-7:00 Grace sleeps again then the day starts over!
Happy 9 weeks love. You amaze us more and more every day!
2 months 12-11-11
Here are Grace's 2 month photos! Yes I know there are 32... but we started out with over 200!
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