This week Grace had her 2 month check up. She weighed in at 10lbs, 3 oz and was 21 1/4 inches in length. She was in the 25% for all her measurements! The doctor was also very impressed with Grace's ability to lift her head and look around. She said it was advanced for 2 months! That's our girl! Of course we'd be proud of her even if she wasn't. =) Grace also did a great job with getting her first shots! She cried but was easily soothed. Mommy on the other hand had a more difficult time with it. If only I could be as brave as Grace.
Wanted to give a shout out to our pups! They have been doing such a great job with Grace. Athens and Bean both give her lots of kisses and are very curious about what she is up to. When I come home with her and let the dogs out of the kennel they always run to her car seat to make sure she is safe!

Daddy just had to take this picture! He loves how during bath time Grace props her elbow on the side of her little tub. She's just chillin' and taking it easy!

We have transformed our dinning room into a playroom. We actually love the new set up! It is so cozy in our living/dinning area. And now we have a great place for Grace to play! Hopefully in the next month or so we will have gotten new flooring! Right now it's nice just to have a space that the dogs cannot get in so we can leave toys out!

This week I wanted to give a run down of a typical day with Grace! We have started a routine using the book "Baby Wise" as a guide. The first day on our new routine was a hard one! However that one day was all it took. Grace is so much happier now that she has consistency in her day! Here is what Grace's day looks like:
7:00-7:30 I wake up Grace, feed and change her.
7:30-8:00 Grace and Mommy play in the playroom, lots of tummy time!
8:00-10:00 Grace goes down for her morning nap.
10:00-10:30 I wake up Grace, feed and change her.
10:30-11:15 Grace and Mommy hang out in the living room. We work on standing and grasping.
11:15-1:00 Grace goes down for her afternoon nap.
1:00-1:30 I wake up Grace, feed and change her.
1:30-2:15 Grace and Mommy play in the play room, she loves looking out the window.
2:15-4:00 Grace goes down for her 2nd afternoon nap.
4:00-4:30 I wake up Grace, feed and change her.
4:30-5:30 Grace, Daddy and Mommy make dinner and eat, Grace watches from her bumbo seat.
5:30-7:00 Grace goes down for her evening nap.
7:00-7:30 I wake up Grace, feed and change her.
7:30-8:00 Daddy gives Grace a bath, then we all read a book and pray before bed.
8:00-2:00 Grace sleeps
2:00-2:30 I wake up Grace, feed and change her.
2:30-7:00 Grace sleeps again then the day starts over!

Aunt Jen still comes over each week to hang out with us and see Grace! This week she read Grace her bedtime story! We love Aunt Jen!

Grace is really starting to smile and Daddy gets all the best ones! She just loves loves loves her Daddy!

We are also really working on holding a rattle! You can see we are practicing using our fingers to wrap around small objects.

Below are two videos of Grace during the week. In the first one Grace is trying to suck on her first toy! In the second one she is practicing kicking off the ground! Work those legs girl! =)
Happy 9 weeks love. You amaze us more and more every day!
Love the elbow in the bathtub. It's amazing how those little "personal quirks" develop. We still love talking about how Mommy (Kendall) always threw her right leg over her car seat side =) Also love seeing how much she is growing. Each week there are new changes but she always looks like "our" Grace !!