Mommy and Daddy both got new glasses this week! We are trying to get all those yearly appointments out of the way before Grace comes so we can focus 100% on her when she gets here! We can't believe there are only 11 weeks left!
Grace got her first piece of mail this week from Uncle Zach. It says: "Dear Baby Grace, Is this your first piece of mail? Coyotes like this love to eat little babies like you! Your Best Friend, Zach" Uncle Zach always makes us smile!
Front of the card.
Last but certainly not least, Mommy got a pregnancy massage and a facial this week! It was so wonderful to be pampered! Especially with this weight starting to pull down on my back! Thank you Mimi and J-Pa for getting the massage last year without knowing how much I would need it! Here are some pictures of the place I went! It was luxurious!

Love the mail from Zach. What a great first piece of mail. No way anyone will ever top that =)