Daddy and Mommy at the doctor appointment. Grace actually lost a bit of weight. She went from 6 lbs, 8 oz to 5 lbs, 14 oz! Not only that but she had not pooped for 24 hours and she was jaundice! Of course we were concerned. The doctor put Grace on an all formula diet for 24 hours so we could ensure she was getting 2 oz of food every 3 hours. She also instructed me to begin pumping so that all the breast milk could be saved and given to Grace once the weight was up...
We also got a chance to take some 4 day pictures! I chose on the best to share here. We are so blessed to have Grace. She is so expressive even at 4 days old. She loves being held and loved on and she makes it clear when she does not like something we are doing (this includes changing her diaper or putting new clothes on!) Here is our sweet angel!
The bonnet and booties in these pictures were actually worn by Gabe when he was a baby! He wore this outfit (with the little dress) to his baby christening. We wanted a few pictures with Grace wearing the same outfit as her daddy (of course Mommy thought it was even cuter when she was naked between the bonnet and booties! hehe)
Athens is still trying to figure out what this squirmy little thing is that we brought home. =)

The hat and blanket in these pictures were hand made by Grace's Aunt Suzie (Gabe's brother Chris's wife) She did such a great job on them we had to show them off!

Of course you have to have a picture of a little girl in a tutu!

These 2 were just us playing around at the end. I love all the wrinkles in her side! We couldn't believe how much she was moving on her belly! She kept kicking out her legs and moving herself forward! I bet we will have a crawler in no time! This could explain why the inside of my belly was SOOO sore during the end of my pregnancy! The girl has got some muscle! =)

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