shabby blog

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Part 2

This morning I went to download some images of Grace pulling up in her crib (pic at bottom of post) and I found a TON of pictures from this week that I had forgotten about! I figured I would just make a part 2 to yesterday's post. I don't want these memories to be forgotten, so here they are!

Great photos of three generations! In the second one we are laughing up a storm.

Some more pictures of going swimming at Uncle Taylor's pool. Doesn't Grace look ready to go? Love the pink sun hat and the new bathing suit. She now has 3. A girl can never have too many suits!

Snack time with all our babies. Grace is eating puffs now. She is very good at it too, but the dogs can always hope right?? It is much easier to feed Grace in her high chair now, but every once in a while we like to give Bean and Athens hope. hehe

Uncle Taylor trying to sleep. Grace is not a fun sleep buddy anymore. Too much wiggling!

And last, the picture this morning of Grace pulling up in her crib. Daddy will have to lower it tonight and remove the mobile. However, it will be interesting today getting her not to pull up during nap times. I have already gone in twice to lay her back down. GOOD THING WE HAVE A CAMERA! =)

Love you sweet girl!
Mommy & Daddy

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pulling up & Cloth Diapers

This week was another amazing one with our little girl. Mimi and J-pa were in town and we loved having them! They have actually seen Grace every calendar month since she was born, a pretty amazing accomplishment! We can't wait until they move here!

While Mimi and J-pa were here we spent some time up at Taylor's loft. We love the new area he is in. It is so urban and modern! Taylor is adjusting great to his new space and the pool at his place is pretty great too!


Grace is eating 4 times a day now, breakfast, lunch, a snack and dinner. She eats a bottle and some solid food at each meal. We are working on making sure she is getting a balanced diet, so we have started mixing in grains with breakfast and dinner. She gets fruits twice a day and vegetables twice a day. She is a growing, growing girl!

Grace had a great time just showing Mimi and J-pa how much fun she has in her playroom!


 After church we like to lounge around in our adorable green dress!! Notice how she is getting into everything! Even up on the floor of her exercauser. How did she even get in there?? hehe

This week Grace PULLED UP! It is amazing how she went from being my tiny baby who slept and did nothing but look adorable to this independent child with attitude! Now is when my parenting skills get put to use. What kind of parent will we be. What is acceptable behavior for Grace, lots of new questions to think over and wonder about.

Here is our wiggly baby. She sure does not look as peaceful as she did at her 4 day shot! It is also amazing how Daddy's arm looks so much smaller then it did when Grace was small! Oh also, we started using reusable diapers. They still look a little big at the bottom and crinkle up, but on a whole I feel very environmentally friendly! It is something to get used to, and we have had a couple uh oh moments, but I am really trying to do my part to save the world one diaper at a time!

Little girl, you are my everything. I wish when I am feeding you that you would give me the "more" or "please" sign language sign, instead of grunting and screeching like you do, but other then that I think you are pretty amazing. Please try not to explode out of your diaper on me this week. All my love.
Mommy & Daddy

Monday, May 28, 2012

Family Photo Shoot!

We got some amazing photos this week. We are so happy that we got a chance to go out and capture our family at this stage of life. Our little family of three is just perfect.