shabby blog

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Party, Pinwheels & Picnics

This week we celebrated Caleb's first birthday! It was the first baby birthday party that we have been to and we had a great time! There were balloons, pinwheels and of course all of Caleb's toys. Grace even got to enjoy a birthday cupcake! Ok not really, but she did get a bottle while everyone else had a cupcake. Happy Birthday Caleb.

When we got back from the party we had fun trying to figure out how a pinwheel works. Grace is so curious and observant. She is going to be a genius I'm sure. =)

 Taylor's girlfriend Jenna is back from Clemson for the summer. We have enjoyed being able to spend more time with her, and of course the free babysitting the two provide so Daddy and Mommy can go out on dates.

This is Mommy's new favorite outfit on Grace. It is just so precious! Grace has been doing a lot of pushing up lately. She doesn't make it all the way up to her feet, but she does push up to her knees, trying to reach up  higher. She still is not regular crawling yet, but army crawling gets her anywhere she wants to go.

This week we went on a picnic with Daddy. We had so much fun. Wendy's, a blanket and a playground is all we need! Grace went down the slide for the first time, and of course she went on the swings. Grace LOVES the feel of the wind on the swings, she smiles the whole time.

Another great week for you sweet girl. Every stage you hit I enjoy it more and more. I can't wait to hear "mama" or "dada" You are just growing so fast. All my love.
Mommy & Daddy

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