shabby blog

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Smiles & Giggles

What a week we have had! It has been filled with exciting adventures and exploring new things. I wanted to start the week off by showing what a typical morning looks like. Yes this is before showers, make up or even putting Grace's hair up.


We were able to go to Marbles this week with some of our MOPS friends! It was fun for Grace to play with Nola and Eva and it was fun for Mommy to talk with lots of different Moms. This stay at home Mom deal is truly a team effort and the support of other Moms has been amazing in this MOPS group!



Bath time bubbles! This has been one of the Daddy's "tasks" since Grace was first born. Yes Mommy still does it a good amount of the time, but when Daddy is home, he does the bath. He is actually so much better about getting all the days food off of Grace without causing tears!




The PJ struggle. Grace has decided recently that she would really rather be naked during life. So she makes getting clothes on a sport, one which we have victory in the end, but there are a lot of rounds where Grace wins. The good news is we usually spend the whole time laughing about how funny it is, so there is no child beating yet. hehe


We had our first official Little Gym gymnastics class this week and it was amazing! It was actually much slower then our initial visit class and I really liked that. I felt it was more at Grace's level and not so much work for Mommy. They had a fun parachute that Grace liked to wiggle up and down. Grace also enjoyed just exploring the space and finding things to put in her mouth! Yes, we still do that.



After class we met Daddy for lunch and Yolo. Grace LOVES the vanilla. Ok really she loves all the flavors, but I fill her up a sample cup with vanilla and she goes to town.

Uncle Taylor and the park. We tried out a new park called Walnut Street Park. We had heard that there was no mulch, just a soft squishy foam mat underneath the whole thing and what do you know... it was amazing! Grace got to explore, cruise, crawl, go down slides and in swings all without me having to take a single mulch chip out of her mouth. It was amazing!




Grace's friend Liam turned One and we got to celebrate with him! His party was at playnation which is an indoor kind of play area. They have foam squares on the floor like in our playroom and big equipment to play on. The company really sells the outdoor equipment but what a great idea to have some set up inside and do birthday parties! They also do some free play time where you come and pay $5, we might try that out too! Grace absolutely LOVED it and slept amazing this night! It is so fun watching her play with other babies her age and actually start interacting. Her and Eva often look like they are plotting something mischievous, which makes me laugh! Happy Birthday Liam!




We had to take a couple of playroom shots. Grace is now to the age where she pulls EVERYTHING out. It seriously looks like a tornado every time we head into the playroom. Then I clean it all up and she does it all again. I love how into everything she is. Also notice she is waving up a storm! 




This morning I put a bunch of stuff in a paper bag and Grace pulled each thing out and examined it. So cute! After everything was out of the bag, she stuck her whole head inside it and went "abahhhbahhhbaa" She did that several times! hehe. Then Grace's friend Mackenzie came over and Eva was able to drop by too! (Isn't it fun how it becomes the babies who come over to play and not the Mommies??) Although Mommy enjoyed the company too. It was a perfect way to start a Monday.


Sweet Grace,

Wow you are keeping me on my toes. No walking yet but you are trying hard to stand without support. You often lean up against something with your knee and take your hands off to clap, wave, or play. I am in no real rush for you to start walking... you get into enough trouble as is! I love you all the times you smiled at the playground times all the toys you pulled off the playroom shelves. You are my amazing girl.

Mommy & Daddy