shabby blog

Monday, August 20, 2012

Books, Little Gym, Disney & Car Seats

After spending most of my adult life learning how to teach and then teaching it makes me one incredible proud Mama that this little girl just loves her books. She often chooses to spend time in front of her "library shelves" pulling books out and opening them up and looking at all the pages... ok the pulling books out part is also pretty fun without looking at the pages. Grace also LOVES to stand on top of the books and look out of the window. She will say "og og og og" over and over which we just realized recently was "dog". She loves her Athens and Bean.


Daddy loves to play peek a boo with Grace from behind the foam. Grace now will come around the edge and look at him like "hey, what are you doing back there??" hehe. I wish I could hear what she was thinking! I am sure it would have us all laughing.



 This week we tried out "The Little Gym" a local gymnasium that has a gymnastics class for 10-14 month olds! It is a Mommy & Me class which means I get a work out too! It is hard work flying Grace all around and holding her upside down, etc! Grace loved exploring the space and dancing to the music. We signed up to take classes for this quarter! We will start going on Wednesdays at 9:30. Grace's friend Eva took the practice class with us, but we will be braving the real class on our own!




 Happy 24th Birthday Uncle Taylor!!! We had breakfast for dinner and it was YUM YUM! We waited until too late to take pictures of Grace and Uncle T - but we got a couple of smiles. By this point Grace was already VERY tired! She did however say "Tay Tay" during dinner, much to everyone's delight. She is getting very good at imitating sounds she hears!


Mimi and J-pa. We had another great week with them visiting and GUESS WHAT???? They put an offer on a house that was accepted! Their closing date is in September and the best part is their new house is literally 5 minutes away. We are so excited to have them so close and I know they are excited to have their own space... even though they will miss seeing Grace's smiling face at 6:30! Ok... maybe they will enjoy  not being up at 6:30, but if they are up, they will miss seeing that smiling face! Below is a picture of J-pa laying in Grace's tunnel and Grace crawling through the tunnel to get to his face!



Dinner with the Pucketts. We went and visited the Cary Art Center for the first time. Daddy had been there several times before so he could show us around. They have a lot of classes there for art, fitness, dance, theater, cooking, etc. The art classes start at 14 months so soon we will be able to sign up! It was nice to see what was there, and then of course go to Ruckus afterwards for some pickles... yum yum!


This Sunday Grace was in Nursery B! We told you she was getting big. When I picked her up I noticed these strange bug bite looking things. They got bigger and eventually become obvious hives. We gave Grace a bath and she has been getting benodryl. (Yes we did call the doctor) The hives are almost gone now (1.5 days later) and apparently Grace has sensitive skin. We think that maybe someone was wearing lotion or perfume that Grace had an allergic reaction to. Next week we will make sure this kid has pants on and not just a dress with bear legs! It was a little scary for me to see these giant welts on my baby, but I am thankful they went right away. Some hives take 6-7 weeks to go away...

The DISNEY store! It has begun... Grace could not believe the giant pile of stuffed animals in this store! She was trying to give them all kisses. Big open mouth to toy's mouth, pull toy away, repeat. Grace's big friend Kenna helped her find all kinds of different sized toys and Grace could not have been happier! There was also a giant TV playing disney commercials which pretty much captured her attention. It was hard to get a smiling picture because there was SOOO much going on. We did end up buying the little Minnie Mouse. Athens has been eyeing it since we got home. hehe



Chili's and the Geese. We had a yummy dinner after watching these Geese run by. It was a great way to celebrate Daddy's official day back at school. Yes he is still teaching 8th grade science. It was also a celebration for what we know will be a wonderful upcoming year of figuring out how to balance out school, real estate, family, mops, play dates, and everything else that will be coming our way.



The car seats came!! Mommy is soooo happy with these car seats. These were the ones I had my eye on from the day I started looking around and YAY for finally getting them. We were only going to get one for Mommy's car and then wait a couple more months before getting the second one... but HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY from Mimi and J-pa! They jumped right in and wanted to get you a matching one (not in color, but in style) for your birthday... you can thank them the next time you see them. hehe.


Dear Sweet Grace,

When your car seats first got delivered it was actually Daddy who teared up first, which of course made Mommy tear up. He said "she really isn't a baby anymore" which of course I responded with "umm she will ALWAYS be our baby"... We love you Grace. We had visions of handing you car keys and waving you off to college tonight, which of course left our hearts throbbing. Our hope and prayer for you is someday to be a strong, confident young woman with dreams and faith, but we are in NO rush. You can slow down now small angel. You will always be our baby, even though you aren't a baby anymore. I love you more then all the money spent on car seats times all the minutes we will spend at the Little Gym the next couple of months times all the stuffed animals in the Disney store. You amaze me and I am so proud to be your mama.

Mommy & Daddy

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