shabby blog

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Grandma & Grandpa Mac Come to Visit

Grandma and Grandpa Mac came to visit! It was wonderful to spend the weekend with them and have them get a chance to see how fast this girl is growing! She showed off all her skills which currently include saying the words, cracker, up, down, singing "round and round" and moving hands with the wheels on the bus song,  dancing every time music comes on, collecting blocks and putting them in a bag, telling us what most animals say (favorite is dog say woof right now), pointing out her nose and eyes, and climbing everywhere! Yes, there is a lot going on!



Aunt Patty's rocking horse finally made it to NC! Grace loved climbing up on the horse and rocking! She can get up there all by herself. It is pretty amazing, and a little terrifying as a Mom!


We took Grandma and Grandpa to a local park that we love to go to. It has no mulch which is AMAZING for a child who will still stick things in her mouth! We got to take a nice walk and go at Grace's pace.... which is a bit slower then we are used to walking, but Grace did great!




Thanks for visiting Grandma and Grandpa and driving the long long drive to be here for the weekend! Grace loved seeing you both!

Dear Grace,
This week you have learned the leg cling. Anytime I set you down when you want to be "up down" which is what you call up, you start crying and grab onto my leg and hold on for dear life. You also do this if I have to go tutor or leave the house without you. It makes me feel so loved, but also sometimes I need to cook dinner. hehe. I am trying to just enjoy each stage. I know when you go to college you won't hold onto me the same way anymore and I will miss that. I think the next time I see your Mimi I might cling onto her legs just so she will remember how great it felt. LOVE YOU GRACE JACKLYN! You make me smile.
Mommy & Daddy

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