We also decided it was about time to update some of the family pictures <3 I love having a dad who is willing to follow me around and capture these moments I have in my head. They always come out even better then I had hoped for. Love these two kids and this family we have.
shabby blog
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Happy 3 Months
We also decided it was about time to update some of the family pictures <3 I love having a dad who is willing to follow me around and capture these moments I have in my head. They always come out even better then I had hoped for. Love these two kids and this family we have.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Wrapping up 3 months
I can’t believe we have been a family of 4 for almost 3 months already! (Sunday) It both feels like there was never a time when this little guy was not here and it also seems like just yesterday that I could load Grace up and be anywhere with a moment notice… now its more like a 30 minute heads up if I am lucky. hehe
Life right now is good. Very good. Slow, peaceful, enjoying the little moments, like blowing bubbles and eating pears, first swims or just snuggling with “night nights” God is good, but then he is always good…. even when things are not going well. I am just very thankful we are in a season of blessings right now.
Isaac’s first swim! And Grace can now swim all by herself. When did she grow up? I feel like she just turned 2 and now right around the corner she will be 3.
My smiley boy. This kid, he makes my heart so joyful it could burst from the inside out. He smiles and coos and is starting to laugh. He can roll over from belly to back and he can get from his back to his side without help. He grabs onto small rattles and will kick to make toys jingle and move. I would do anything for him. Anything.
My Sunshine girl. Always has been, always will be, my only sunshine. Full of spunk and spirit to make every day completely interesting and exciting. She does everything with her whole being, she is fierce, strong and incredibly intelligent. She told us a story yesterday at dinner about a bunny named Grace who went hopping along looking for mama bunny. I look at her and think, you are only two! If you ask her how old she is, she will quickly respond “I am three on October 11th” Seriously? She amazes me. Everyday. I could pick her up right now and kiss her all over, but she is napping, so I will hold back.
My husband. 7 years later. I like who he is today. I like that man from the inside out. He bought me a new wedding ring. I haven’t worn a ring for the last 9 months. We needed a fresh start, a new beginning, a commitment that I was still in this, and I am. At dinner we wrote down what this marriage means now. What it even means to be married. I love that we do that now, actually talk, about the big stuff, the little stuff and all the stuff in between. I love my ring. Grace and Gabe picked it out. I love the three circles, it isn’t just the two of us in this relationship anymore – we are connected by Christ and defined by our love for the Father.
Our children are constants that will never disappear from our hearts and minds. We aren’t just a we anymore. We are a family surrounded and held together by God’s love and forgiveness.
This is the year I am the most proud of – interestingly. It is the year that would have been easier to walk away from… and yet we fought, and we forgave each other and ourselves, we started healing from our past scars, and we found God. Not just prayed to him, not just followed his rules, but we started actually having a relationship with him, talking with him and trusting him.
It has been the best year of my life. Hard to believe, but true.