This week I find myself in an entirely different place as I write this post. Isn’t that pretty much true of life as a stay at home mom of two kids under 3? One moment things are going amazingly well and you feel on top of the world and yet within seconds that perfect scene of singing songs together and laughing can turn into a scrambled mess.
So too is life, but enough for now on my life as a mom. Onto different topics this week. I recently went to a bible study with a group of women. Several of the woman were Moms, most of them were working moms. One lady was just out of college and they went all the way up in age to having kids in college. Their ages aren’t really that important, what was important was while we went around introducing ourselves they all had so much they shared about, jobs, living different places, playing sports, the list could go on and yet, as it got closer to being my turn to talk I kept thinking – ok what is there to share? I stay at home… I have two kids, ok say something that doesn’t include your children, and I realized that all though there is a lot more to me then being Grace and Isaac’s mom (I mean I did exist before they did right?) I often forget to put that out there…. so here is one passion of mine… that is not entirely kid related :)
Eating. I have gotten rather passionate about what I put inside my body. No I have not become a ultra-judgmental crazy organic person. I believe each person can think for themselves and if you choose to buy cereal and peanut butter by all means go for it. There will be no condemnation from me. (Note – picture below is Grace eating almond butter.. which she is obsessed with.)
However what I choose to buy now looks a far cry from what I used to buy. My cart is now flowing with vegetables and fruit… most of the time I never leave the produce section (unless I need eggs, or spices). I read this book called “It Starts With Food” and became interested in the “whole” and “real” food concepts.
Over the last several months we have slowly cut out processed food, grains, legumes, sugar. Cheese was the hardest thing to set aside for me personally, but I wanted to prove I have power over my food choices. Food does not control me. So we decided to dive in and give whole 30 a shot. Whole 30 is a type of eating where you basically eat only veggies, fruit, meat and nuts. That is it. It would have shocked me to a year ago, but I am finding now I love it.
I have more energy then I did before, I actually require less sleep and I really enjoy making meals. It may not be for everyone and that is ok. It is expensive. Trying to be reasonable with our budget we do not buy organic veggies or produce, I usually look for whatever is on sale. Gasp. I am sure the pesticides aren’t great – but for me personally better to eat real food with a bit of chemicals then to go back to pasta and cheese.
We do shop for meat that is GMO, antibodies and hormone free and my toddler drinks almond milk instead of “cow milk” as we call it. It is just a different way of living life, but I feel it gives purpose to my every day. It is a way I feel I am taking care of this body God has lent me while I am here on earth, and I am just trying to take care of it in a tangible way that works for me.
It is hard sometimes to talk to people about our more radical way of eating. Yes I love it, I am totally sold on it for my family, but it seems when I bring it up others automatically start looking at their food and feel like they need to be defensive or apologetic. Seriously, just because I live and cook whole 30 for my family, does not mean I love you any more or less if you do or don’t!
When you pass by me with your cart full of gold fish and fruit snacks I promise I wont think anything and I would appreciate the same when I walk by you with my cart full of butternut squash, onions, and cauliflower. (I realized today those were what I called “staples” in our house.. what?? haha) Anyway enough of my crazy eating life… although it is absolutely delicious.
Until next time..
Kendall, I love this! I have completely cut out dairy in my own life and we eat a really whole food diet as well, with a few exceptions here and there. It is so healthy for you. Way to go friend!