shabby blog

Sunday, July 13, 2014

My Blessings



I can’t believe it has been 2 weeks since my last post. Life is flying by. I can’t believe July is almost half way over! Where has this year gone? I will try to quickly catch you up on the last two week…. here I go! My Alpha child, my tiny Tink. I feel like I have fewer and fewer pictures of just Grace alone, but I realize it is mostly because she is moving so fast that my pictures are all blurry. hehe. Hopefully these will capture a bit of her.


In the last few months Grace and I have had to say good bye to some of our very sweetest friends. Jobs, family and life have been pulling people to different states around the USA. I feel incredibly blessed to have known the dear friends who have moved away, and even more blessed to still be maintaining friendships with those who have moved on. Getting to exchange great ideas and sending packages back and forth from Florida has been so fun. We could not get her newest ballerina dress off of her for 2 days! It is fun to know that a little piece of our hearts will be in different places around the United States. :)


Playing in the sand at the park with Daddy. Some days this girl sleeps 12-3 and some days its more like 2-5. We have found that on days with a later nap she has trouble going to bed unless she has really gotten out all her energy. After dinner trips to the pool and the park are a must. Even then sometimes she still doesn’t fall asleep until 9. On days she sleeps 12-3 she is ready for bed around 7:30. Funny how each day with an almost 3 year old can be totally interesting and different. Sure does keep us on our toes!


Lots of learning and play dates have also been in store for this girl. We try to get out of the house every day between 9:30-11. Grace has Y-school two days a week, one day a week we go on a field trip with Mimi and Boppy and the other two days we have play dates or go to the library for story time. We also usually get a good hour in the morning when Isaac is sleeping in his crib and Grace and I get one-on-one time. It is so refreshing to spend time just listening to her thoughts and watching her learn new things. I am one lucky Mama.


She continues to amaze me with her eating. It was once such a challenge to get her to eat anything that was not covered in sugar and started with “dessert”. Now she chows down into all kinds of veggies, fruit and protein. She loves when she gets to do her own food prep, cutting eggs up or peeling bananas. She is quite the little miss independent these days.


Soccer season! :)


All in all Grace is growing amazingly well. Her vocabulary is through the roof. Her reasoning skills and critical thinking are certainly not the same as most of her peers. She is something special and trying to keep up with her, keeping her engaged, keeping her learning, keeping her safe, it is a full time job. One I am so happy to be entrusted with. <3 I am so proud to call her my daughter.


Isaac Levi. Certainly living up to his name. Laughter and Harmony. This boy smiles so much. He is started to really laugh, like the kind that comes from deep in your belly. You just can’t help but laugh back. It is contagious.


We are finally starting to have more of a consistent daily routine. The differences between being a first time parent and having a second, is unbelievable. lol. Grace was on a daily schedule at 6 weeks, Isaac is pretty much deciding when he wants a schedule and even then he is usually thrown into the car to make it to Grace’s events and outings. It is a good thing he is so flexible :) and smiley!


Isaac is now taking most of his naps in his crib in a sleep sack. His longer nap in the middle of the day and his night time sleep are still in a swaddle in the monkey swing. Most nights he wakes up only once around 4, however on nights when he gets up more often…. we are all pretty exhausted the next day. Yes the above picture is of me passed out… while Isaac nurses. Definitely something that would have NEVER happened with Grace, but these days I have to get the sleep where I can. :)


We also purchased Isaac a high chair this month. He is ready to start sitting with us at meals. He loves that he can watch Grace from across the table and is up  high enough that he is very safe from toddler hands.


Basically I is just going along life doing his Bubsi things. I am so continually amazed by his calm, loving, sweet little personality. He is the perfect harmony to add to this family. I am so lucky to call him my son. <3

Life is better when these two are together. Taking baths, reading books, sucking thumbs or just laughing our hearts out. Grace is the worlds best big sister. She is a huge helper and watches out for her little brother. Isaac is nothing but totally amazed by his big sister. He watches her, smiles at her, wants to be just like her. They are two peas in a pod. A duo.


So basically I am just in a moment of thankfulness. Thankful for these two giant blessings God has given me. Working on my continuing patience with myself and leaning into love and joy each day. It is hard work to stay on the right track, but this life we are making is so worth it. <3 And all the people said amen.

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