My smiling sweetheart! Lots of exciting changes are going on this week! We weighed Grace using our "at home" method. This means Daddy steps on scale holding Grace, then steps on scale alone and we subtract the 2 weights to get what we think Grace weighs by herself! This week she came in at 11 lbs 6 oz! This still puts her somewhere between the 10% and 25% which is where she has been since she was born! She is growing beautifully!

Grace is really starting to show recognition of certain faces. She loves when people talk to her and look her straight in the eye. She is sure to give a big smile if she likes what she sees! =) She is also just as likely to look at you like you are slightly crazy. hehe

This week we went to our new Penn Station located less then 2 miles from our house. This pictures is for you J-Pa. J-Pa told us 3 years ago that Cary had almost everything he needed to move here (the kids and Panara Bread) and that if we got a Penn Station he was packing up that day... well its open now J-Pa! =)

Grace is really starting to experiment with her hands. She loves to grasp hold of things and then let go of them. She can also pass them back and forth between her two hands. She still does not seem to intentionally grab hold of something, but once she has it she knows what to do!

We also got to try out our exersaucer this week! Grace is starting to do a lot of sitting with the assistance of pillows or Mommy. Notice that we have to put the boopy and some blankets under the floor of her exersaucer so that it is high enough she can reach it with her toes! That is right, she is still in the bottom 10% for height. We just love her, every tiny bit!

I downloaded some new photo editing tools and I had a lot of fun playing around with them this week. Here are a few examples of how much fun different shading can be!

Love her eyes in this top one. They are breath taking!
6:00 - 6:45 - Grace is up feeds, diaper change, short play in her room singing songs and looking at books
6:45-9:00 - SLEEP! (Really finishing up her night time sleep)
9:00-10:30 - feed, diaper change, usually running errands with Mommy, we go to Kroger, the library, over to see her best friend Caleb, other lunch dates!
10:30-12:00 - Usually we are still running errands but by this time Grace is back asleep.
12:00-1:30 - feed, diaper change, playing in the playroom
1:30-3:00 - nap!
3:00-4:30 - feed, diaper change, playing with Daddy!
4:30-6:00 - nap!
6:00-8:15 - feed, diaper change, playing in playroom, bath, reading books, praying, feeding again

Lots of playing with Uncle Taylor and Mimi! Grace is one lucky girl to get so much love.

Here we were playing around before heading to church on Sunday. I just love this little outfit and shoes! Of course the shoes didn't make it to church, she kept kicking them off, but she is so cute!

Well we pretty much thing Grace is perfect! Clothing update: She is still wearing all her 0-3 month clothing. The only thing we have really switched over is her PJ's - she in now in her 3-6 month PJ's but they still look a little big. =) Keep on growing sweet girl. We love you so much!
Mommy and Daddy
She's just too cute!