Lucky for Grace she got to hang out with her best friend (and future husband) Caleb this week! They got to see each other many times and it is fun to watch them start to recognize each other. My favorite is when they smile at each other! It is just so cute!

We also went to a huge kids consignment sale in the area called Kids Exchange. We were looking for big items for Grace's 1st birthday and Christmas, yes I know. I still have 9 months before that happens, but its good to be prepared! Here Daddy is sitting inside an awesome teepee that we got to put in Grace's room. Don't you think it will make a perfect reading nook?? Don't tell Grace - we want it to be a surprise! =)
Uncle Taylor got Grace a really cool chalk board for the playroom! It is a window and the panes are painted with chalk board paint. It fits perfect and its for a good cause! The girls who made it were selling different crafts to help pay for their mission trip to Kenya this summer! Not only does it look great, but its supporting missions. Thanks Uncle T!
Oh Hemangiomas. I wanted to get a good shot of the one on her nose. You can see it here on the left side (her right side) It is the tiny redness that looks like she has scratched herself or has a runny nose. The hemangioma itself is pretty small, but after reviewing the pictures the doctors at Duke want to take a look themselves. We have an appointment at Duke Children's tomorrow morning where we will meet with their pediatric dermatologist. I believe she wants to take some scans of Grace's upper nose and throat. The concern is that the hemangioma might have a tendril that is attached to a larger hemangioma inside her nose/throat. If it were to get larger, as they do, then she would have trouble breathing. Obviously this is something we want to find out about as soon as possible. Next week I will share what the doctors decided on for treatment after reviewing the scans.

The next few shots show her little neck! We always knew there was a neck in there, but now we are actually starting to see it on a more regular basis! Isn't it cute!?!
Below are our series of pajama shots. I realized that I almost never take picture of Grace in her PJ's and she has so many cute ones. I tried taking a picture each night of Grace ready for bed. Remembering to do this 5/7 nights is pretty good for me.
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