My girl, you are getting so big and so capable! You actually army crawl now! Of course the only way we can get Grace to go across the floor is if she is chasing a cell phone, but still. Pretty amazing. This week was full of nerves and complete amazement.

This week Grace started taking new medication for her hemangiomas. In order to start the new medicine an EKG was necessary as well as getting blood drawn. The new medication is called propranolol. It was originally used as a blood pressure medicine, but has been proven to do amazing things on hemangiomas in infants. Seeing Grace hooked up to all those machines was both very scary and also so completely reassuring. Some families have to see their little one hooked up to machines on a daily basis. It reminds us how blessed we truly are. Grace handled it like a trooper. She was calm and still. She did try to pull the cords off once, but we held her hands and she didn't try again. We have started the medicine and it does not seem to effect you negatively. We will continue to monitor it and make the best decisions that we can. We love you little g.

Grace wears Mommy out. This is what some of our mornings look like. Got to love Grace's 6am internal alarm clock. Mom's is not quite so early, but we manage.

After our day at DUKE hospital testing we decided to have some fun the next day. We mixed applesauce with food coloring and Grace loved it! Of course her mouth was on the plates several times but just the feel of the sticky applesauce was a neat new thing for her. We did have to soak in the tub for a while afterwards... getting blue food coloring off of our hands is not so easy. =)

Oh the back of your head child! You actually have hair on it now, but the hair growing in is very, very, very, blonde! So it still looks like its bald. We wonder if you will always have a dark ring of hair around your white blonde hair in the middle. lol. Don't worry. I'm sure by the time you are 13 it will all look even.

Standing! We are really working on standing up and balancing. Grace has such strong muscles. She can hold all her own weight. She can even balance now if she is focused. However if something catches her attention to the left or right, she looks and then falls over. =) Good thing Mommy was right there to catch her!

You make me the happiest Mommy in the world. Your smiles, your stares like I'm crazy, even your cries make me know this is the job I was made for; being Grace's Mom. I love you little one.
Mommy & Daddy
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