What a week we have had. Grace continues to amaze us with how much she is developing both physically and mentally. She is really taking in new situations and exploring her surroundings. This includes the amazing new game of find something new, reach for it, then stick it in my mouth! We have to really watch how close she gets to things we do not want her to put in her mouth.... like leaves or mommy's glasses. =) This week we also put away all the 0-3 month clothes. Yes that's right, my almost 6 month old has finally out grown her baby clothes! Lucky, because her closet is bursting with adorable 3-6 month summer clothes! She is one stylin' girl. This week was also Athen's Birthday! He turned 5. Happy Birthday Athens. =) He is such a good big brother. Normally we play in the playroom but every once in a while we play in the living room or Grace's room. When we do Athens will get really low and then inch up to where Grace is. I love how careful he is around her. It is Daddy's SPRING BREAK! Yay for Spring Break starting. Grace loves spending time with her Daddy. It is so great to watch their relationship continue to develop and grow. She always gives him special Daddy smiles when he comes home from work. She loves this guy! Finally it has to be close to SUMMER TIME! We got some great shots out in our front yard. I love this little outfit. I actually got it at our baby shower for Grace. The daisy shoes also look great with it! Grace can't figure out what she thinks about the sunglasses. At first she laughs while looking through them, then she tries to pull them out and put them in her mouth. hehe. The theme of this week. Little One. I can't believe how strong you are getting. Supporting all your weight, picking up different objects, chatting up a storm. I love every bit of being your Mommy.
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