What a week we have had! Grace had her first plane flight... actually her first 4 flights. We flew from Raleigh/Durham to Atlanta to Dayton. It always makes me laugh when they take you the wrong direction, make you switch planes and then take you where you wanted to go! Grace, however, did great! She was very interested in everything on the plane, including the puke bag, ripping pages out of the magazines, standing between our legs and jumping, trying to touch the people's hair in front of us, waving to the people behind us, talking loudly to everyone in general and her FAVORITE - looking out the window and squealing with delight. It is a good thing she is so cute because the other fliers just thought she was adorable!
WE MADE IT! Safe and sound in Ohio. Wow does the air feel different up in Ohio. It is so refreshing and cool and they have SKYLINE CHILI! Daddy starts talking about skyline chili about a month before we go to Ohio, so we make it our first priority! Grandpa and Grandma were able to pick us up at the airport, then we relaxed around the house!
On our second day up in Ohio we went shopping and headed to a really neat place called Entertrainment Junction. It is the worlds LARGEST train display. Grace loved checking out the trains! We also got to go through their "crazy fun house" Mommy and Daddy had never been in a maze of mirrors, it was really cool! Uncle Zach also came up this day!
On our third day in Ohio we went to a Wedding! Mommy's high school friend Melissa got married! Grace wore the sweetest dress and she was so good! We were out until after 9 and Grace stayed awake and cheerful the entire time. It also gave Mommy a chance to catch up with some other high school friends, Mary, Karin, and Michele. Congrats Melissa! We loved seeing you get married and sharing in your special day! We can't wait to see you again soon when we get up to Indianapolis... 2013??? =)
On our fourth day in Ohio we celebrated Grace's birthday early! Grace will be one in just a few weeks so we got a chance to celebrate with Grandma and Grandpa. We took pictures with the family, Great Uncle Harry and Great Aunt Patty came to celebrate with us! Grace loved Patty's jewelry!
We took some nice pictures out in front of Grandma and Grandpa's house!
Grace's FIRST cupcake!!! At first she was not sure, we even saw a tear. I think it was just all the cameras and attention and weird thing placed in front of her... however once Daddy put some on his finger and in her mouth she realized what she was missing! She devoured that thing with smiles and laughs!
Aunt Patty made Grace a rocking horse. YES you read that right. She MADE this out of lumber. She is amazingly talented and the horse is so neat! It is pink and green, Grace's favorite colors, and it says her name at the bottom. Such an amazing gift!
After nap time we had an open house for people to stop by and meet Grace. (we did all the cake stuff before nap so that it wasn't too over whelming... good thinking Grandma) Great Uncle Joey was able to be there! Joey lives at a group home with other people who also have severe retardation. Grace LOVED his wheel chair and he liked to play with all of Grace's toys. It was a toss up which one of them was drooling more. hehe
And then on day 5 it was time to come home. Here Grace is waiting with our luggage for Uncle Taylor to pick us up! Thanks Uncle Taylor for watching the dogs these past 5 days so we could go to Ohio.
My sweet Grace,
I love, love, love, love you! I can not imagine life without your smiling face... how did I go the first 25 years without knowing you?? Every experience we have, shopping, looking at trains, going to weddings, flying on planes are all so much more enjoyable with you there to share it with us. We love you all the miles we flew times all the hay in the hay bales times all the kisses you got this week! You make our hearts sing.
Mommy & Daddy