shabby blog

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Lord gives both death and life 1 Samuel 2.6

The things I miss about Mema. Her contagious laugh. The way she never had a purse, just a book bag. Her obsession with cocker spaniels and light houses. Spending time each year up in Michigan at the lake. Allowing Daddy and me to stay at her house for two weeks on our honeymoon in Texas. How she loved Christmas, especially when Papa was still alive. Showing up at my  house when I was a little girl at the very beginning of NOVEMBER with sleigh bells and santa hats... and making us wear them out to eat. How excited she was when she found out I was pregnant with Grace.

My sweet little girl, you never got a chance to meet her and I wish you did. She got sick while I was pregnant with you, and even though it took a while for her to finally be at peace, she wasn't there anymore. Some days she would ask how I was doing with the pregnancy, even though you were already born. She had trouble remembering who we were. I am so glad we have so many memories to share with you about your Mema, and I wish you could have heard the excitement in her voice when she found out about you! We are glad she is finally not suffering anymore, even if it is hard to face the fact she is really gone.

Your Mimi was actually visiting when Mema passed (Mimi's Mom). You gave her lots of hugs and kisses and I know she felt better when she was holding you. I am so glad you have a special relationship with your Mimi and I know you will for your whole lives. 



Grace is exploring everything like it is her job! We have actually baby proofed the house. So now if we can just remember to put up the dog's water, close the doggie door and close all the doors to bedrooms/bathrooms then she is good to explore the house! She is so independent and she loves her new freedom.


Meal time! It is getting exciting because Grace is starting to eat what Mommy and Daddy eat. Which not only makes it better on us financially not to be buying a second meal, but ALSO it makes meal times a lot easier. We actually get to all eat together! Here we had macaroni and cheese, turkey sausage and watermelon. It was a HIT! Can you tell which plate is Mommy's and which is Grace's?


Mommy is still trying to do lots of sensory activities. This girl is on the move and she wants to get into everything. So we try and provide environments where its ok to get messy! Now that the weather is getting a little colder, yes I know it is still in the 70's but we have aclimated to NC life, so we are doing water buckets inside. Good thing our floors are painted concrete and it is easy to wipe up after we are done. The dogs even got in on the fun!

 Our first boo boo. She actually scratched her leg trying to get to the door where she was watching Daddy and Mommy outside on the porch killing a big spider! ewwww. Anyway - Athens apparently was in her way and somehow she scratched her leg on the bottom of the door trying to get around him so she could have a better view. Luckily we got it washed out and with a sufficient amount of hugs and kisses she was good to go! Also notice that she is wearing her "I heart Daddy" long sleeve shirt. That outfit hung up in her room from the time I was 20 weeks pregnant until Grace was born! We actually did not think she would get a chance to wear it because it is a 6-9 month outfit, and she is almost 12 months before it gets cold again, but what do you know! It fits.


This weeks sensory tub was brown rice, uncooked, and a car to run through it. Grace had more fun taking the rice out of the tub and dumping it on the floor. It is all part of the learning experience right? Plus it only took a quick second to vacuum it up once we were done and she was totally entertained for a good 20 minutes. I am really glad this girl has a long attention span, it totally makes doing things like this worth my time!



The highlight of the week was Daddy's baptism. Daddy has always believed but he grew up Catholic and he wanted to have a believers baptism as an adult. He has been talking about wanting to do this for a couple years, but this week was the week! Our church actually had an old fashioned church party with pizza and ice cream and then right during the middle of it, everyone cleared out of the pool and over 50 people were baptized. It was an awesome sight to see. Daddy and Mommy both teared up, Grace was some what confused. I am so glad to know that we will be in heaven together someday. It was really neat that Uncle Taylor and Mimi got to come and participate with us in this special event.

Amazing Grace how sweet the girl that saved a mom like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. Little one be the light to others that you are to me. Show them God's grace in your actions and word. Be an example to others of how to live life to the fullest. Always pray, always rejoice, always be you.

Our love always and forever
Mommy & Daddy

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