shabby blog

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Gymnastics & Marbles

What a week! The Little Gym, Grace's gymnastics place actually offers a "practice" time for her age group on Wed. at 3:30. Mommy is tutoring then, but Daddy is home, so he gets to take Grace to gymnastics too! It is fun for Daddy to be able to see what Grace is doing in class and how capable she is. It was also fun because the other kids were there with their Daddies too so it was like a little Daddy & me class!

Fall is almost here and Mommy made pretty baskets to hang on the front porch! We also bought a new fall wreath. Grace helped pick it out!

Mommy is still trying to keep up with doing one sensory tub a week. This week we did Grits (pre cooked) red peppers and celery. Grace was not sure about the texture of the grits, which was surprising because it was very similar to sand. Mommy had to show her how to pick up the grits and let it fall out of your fingers slowly. It was so cute when Grace tried to imitate what Mommy did.

Pretty much what some days look like around here. Grace is actually getting ice cream and all the dogs want in on the dessert! Bean has become best friends with Grace at meal time and we actually work on having Bean leave the kitchen so Grace doesn't spend the whole time feeding Bean and not eating herself! In these pictures you can also see our new table. We have officially rearranged our house to be toddler proof and part of the rearranging included buying a new, smaller table that would fit in the kitchen for eating meals. Mommy LOVES the new set up and the new table.

Miss piggy tails loves her monkey blanket and whats more you can see her standing on her own. This was the longest she stood without holding on, probably 30 seconds. I think she was so involved in sucking her thumb and snuggling with "monkey" that she forgot to hold on. I think we still have a little while before she starts walking, and I am ok with that!

We try to get together with our Bethesda friends twice a month. It is so great to watch all the kiddos as they are growing and changing and really starting to interact. There are quite a few of them in the 6 months to 1.5 year age range which makes playing time great! Here is Grace with Mia and Nate. You would think that we matched Grace and Nate just for pictures! Grace had a great time playing and then eating lunch over there.

Friday night was family date night and we all went to Marbles Children Museum. It was actually wonderful to be there in the evening because there were a LOT less children. We usually spend a lot of time in the under 3 area, but this time we got to explore the whole thing! Grace loves exploring but when there are a lot of children running around and she is still crawling it becomes a safety concern! This day she got to explore wherever she wanted to. We are going to try and make the first Friday each  month into family date night here and enjoy the museum together!





We gave Grace eggs for the first time this week. She did not have an allergic reaction, so we are good to go. They generally tell you to wait until a year for allergy reasons, but I realized I feed her stuff with egg in it... so I thought it would be ok. Funny enough this kid really did NOT like them. Her facial expressions were hilarious! I am not sure if it was the texture or the taste... but she requested never to have them again! haha


We still love hanging out in our playroom. This week we made sound bottles but putting different things in empty 2 liters. They are fun to shake... and suck on.




Sweet Grace,

I added the picture above so you could see you really do have teeth! You look like you may be upset, but you were in the middle of telling me a LONG story that went something like ah ah ah ba du ya ya ah ba ya du a ba mama ya ya no no ya mama ba da and so on and so on. You actually have 5 teeth now!! The forth one on the bottom has popped up as well so you have 4 on the bottom and 1 on top. We can see the 2nd top tooth pressing against the surface so it will be here any day now too.

Now that you have more freedom in the house you love crawling ALL over. Your favorite place in your new kingdom is standing at the front door looking out. You often tell me what you are seeing (similar to the above listed story) and I have to clean the glass regularly because now there is not only dog nose prints, but Grace drool!

You continue to amaze us. I ask Daddy almost every day when did you get so big? I can't believe how much you are looking more and more like a little kid. Your legs are getting longer and you are now 18 lbs! WOW

We love you sweet girl, all the teeth you will get times all the balls at the marbles museum times all the kisses and hugs I got this week. You make my heart sing.

Mommy & Daddy

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