This second half of March has been all about Easter so I figured I would start it with our first Easter Egg hunt! And yes it really did happen before St. Patrick's day! This first picture pretty much sums up Grace's feelings about the Easter Bunny. Please take time to notice the bunny directly behind her. It is not even looking at her, and yet my child wants to get as far away from it as possible! hehe. Aside from the giant bunny itself Grace had a blast collecting eggs, decorating a hat, decorating a cupcake and playing on the playground. It was a great first hunt!

St. Patty's day arrived! I always love taking a minute to see how much has changed in the past year. We continued our tradition of green milk. Yes the leprechaun comes at night and turns the milk in the house green!!! This year Grace knew we were excited about something, and that she was allowed to sip out of a straw (all her sippy cups are colored and we wanted her to see it) but I don't think she really understood that it was green. Maybe next year! :) We also had some friends from our first life group over. It is so great to stay connected to people who we walked in life with before Grace was even a thought. And to watch these little tots grow up together is certainly a neat gift.

Bubbles in the bath. We are continuing to try and find ways to make bath time exciting and new. One day we got out the bubbles and Grace LOVED it. We sang songs and blew bubbles which she tried to catch on her tongue. Dada always has so much fun during entertainment time in the tub. Keep up the great work Dada!
I have continued to love sensory bin time. Grace is always fascinated with the entire process of touching everything, exploring it, tasting it, and of course dumping it out. I continue to remind myself that a quick vacuum is all it takes to clean up so on we go having fun with rice!
Mimi and Boppy are here for about 10 days this half of the month. Grace and Mimi have a connection that even Mama gets put aside for! I love that this girl feels so safe and loved with her Mimi. It made this weekend go by without worry. That is right, Mama and Dada spent their first night away! We headed to Charlotte to see Aunt Jen get married while Grace stayed home with Mimi and Boppy. I have a collection of pictures taken and sent back and forth throughout the 24 hour period. It was nice to spend some couple time and it was a beautiful wedding, but wow did we realize how much we missed our girl! It was the best feeling to see her smiling face when we got back.
Our last with friends Easter Egg hunt. Mama and Grace have joined a new playgroup (in January) and wow are we so thankful we did. Grace is learning so much about being a friend and Mama has an amazing group of women to lean on for support with this "spirited" little girl. We are so lucky to have found this group.
Contact Paper! Yes we still love putting this stuff up on the walls. This week we have monkeys! Grace walked around going "ee ee ee" Her favorite part is for me to put the monkeys up and Grace to rip them all down, and then stick her hand on it! hehe
Daddy time with a box. Can life get any better?
And our last picture as we head out to an indoor pool with our friends. And yes, my daughter is the cutest thing you have ever seen in your life. We are pretty much the luckiest parents in the world.
Sweet Grace, You are full of spirit and spunk. Regardless of how much energy you take to keep up with, or the fact I have to take a nap every day because you literally wear me out. I wouldn't have it any other way. You have got personality and fun and my favorite part is the fact you dance to your own tune and you aren't worried about what anyone else will think. I love you. With all my heart. Plus a gazillion. Times 101111 for your birthday. :) You are my nut.
Mommy & Daddy