shabby blog

Friday, March 1, 2013

February Part 2

February ended as beautifully as it began. We are so blessed in our lives to be surrounded by opportunities that enrich us both as individuals and as a family and to have people who love us deeply for just being us. We have continued to love the little gym and the friends that we have made there. Grace is so excited at the mere mention of the name.


This child has a personality that is bigger then life! We knew from the moment she was born that she was not going to be a wall flower, but wow. Each day we get to see more and more of who she is on the inside and buckle up friends, it is going to be a crazy fun ride. She loves raising her eyebrows and looking around saying uh oh. She has also learned how to make the "i dont know" hands and raise up her shoulders when she hears a new sound or doesn't know the answer to a question.


Music has continued to play a big part in her life. The moment it comes on she stops everything to stare and dance. She would like for me to continually sing songs at home if I had the energy. :)


Uncle Taylor still makes time in his very busy schedule to come see us once a week and this month we headed to chipotle! Grace loves drinking out of big people drinks with straws and I would continue to let her do it at home if she didn't purposefully dump it all over herself every time. Apparently she loves being soaking wet!

Oh the brain on this child. She has figured out the baby safety locks.... we are in for it now.

And then there is nothing more beautiful then a sleeping baby. Especially one who is so high energy most of the time. We absolutely adore her spunk and it just  makes the sleeping part that much more exciting!


The beautiful backyard. Part of the reason that we bought this house is that we loved the backyard! It has this great staircase that leads to this big open section and a fire pit. Obviously we have not been able to use it as much recently with a small kid that wants to get into everything.... but what do you know. I think she may be finally ready to enjoy it! So far this month we have gone up and down these stairs at least 50 times and going up she is starting to do like a big kid instead of crawling. It is amazing watching how much physical development still happens even after they can walk!


Bubbles, still a favorite. She would literally spend all day trying to pop them!


Our Marbles class is officially over now but WOW did we LOVE it. We already signed up again for May and got the last spot! It is so nice to have everything already set up and ready for us, and then magically cleaned after we leave! Tuesday's go by so quickly! We will miss them next month for sure!

And finally a few random pictures from this half of the month.



Grace Jacklyn,
You make my heart sing little one. You have so easily adjusted to daddy being in and out of the house at random times during the day now that he has his new job. You love to tell him "bye bye" anytime he walks out of the room you are in now, but you never worry because you know he will be back soon! We love you sweet girl.
Mommy & Daddy

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