shabby blog

Friday, March 15, 2013

March: In like a lion

Wow I can not believe that March is already half over! How did this happen? Where is the time going? This sweet girl continues to amaze us every day. We are blown away with how fast she is learning new things and how independent she already wants to be. I can't believe this tiny 6 lb 8 oz baby we brought home from the hospital is now 17 months and ready to take on the world. We are so in love. Have I mentioned that before? hehe



 Papa Joe (Gabe's Dad) came to visit us on his way back home from his travels to Florida. We made play dough, went to marbles, and hung around the house. Grace LOVED the play dough. She helped us mix it all together and then had a great time squishing all the balls Mama made.



We are continuing to work on more "educational" things with Grace. We are trying to teach her a letter a week. We just finished the letter C. The first week we thought she was picking it up soooo fast! She was identifying A's everywhere! Then we tried to introduce B and realized she thought all letters were called A. We have had to work hard to show her that letters are all different, but she is getting it. Today in the bath she showed us the letter A and the letter B and identified them correctly! woohoo! Then she looked at a 4 and went... A? I love how she can show inflection in her voice already!


The little gym is still a favorite! She is now one of the oldest kids in her class. What a change! It feels like yesterday that I looked at all the big kids and thought "How is Grace every going to learn to clean up or follow directions" Now the teachers are constantly using her as the example child saying "Grace is one of the older kids so watch how she does it" Oh my. I love this girl.

Mama is still working with Ben on Saturdays and Sundays. He has become a part of our family. Grace absolutely loves when she sees him and immediately starts calling out "ben ben ben" until he says hi to her. We have also been working really hard on getting our back porch area ready for spring. We want it to be a safe area for Grace to play and learn. There is now sod down on all the dirt and it is looking good!



Hanging out at the park with Caleb! It is unbelievable to see them really interacting together. Caleb is 5 months older and you can still see a difference in development at this age, but the gap is shrinking. Its amazing to think that their 5 month difference will soon be like no difference at all. How does that happen?

Here are some random pictures just so we can look back and remember how wonderful these days were. How much we laughed and played and how free it felt to just enjoy one another.

Sweet Grace,
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. I still sing this song to you at least once a day. You will reach up and touch my face gently and say "mo, mo" you love listening to the song. I find you unbelievably amazing. I have always thought you were beautiful and capable to be anything you wanted to be, but now that your little personality is coming through there are some other words I would use to describe you. Fearless, brave, curious, strong, friendly, outgoing, energetic, amazing. I love you sweet girl. You are so grown up, but no matter how big you get, you will always be my baby girl.
Mommy & Daddy

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