And once again I find I am behind in my updating on how life is going for our little family of four. There are so many places I want to go with this blog and so many things I need to talk about. How Isaac turned 5 months (how is that possible?) how our family co-bought a 20 acre farm and we are in the process of moving, how we bought 2 cows, how we have 22 chickens coming in late October, How Grace started pre-school today…. so much to go into, so overwhelmed with change and new things. My brain is literally fried. By 8 pm I just want to mindlessly strip wall paper and have netflix on in the background just so my brain has a chance to stop thinking.
Ok but it is only 10:30 in the morning, Isaac is napping and Grace is at school so I have no excuse. I think I will just start with the only thing I can really share all about because it has happened, its over, and there is really no more thinking about it until next summer when I want to go back! And that was our summer vacation. 7 days of glorious relaxing. 7 days of sunshine, beach, submarine pools and no one leaving for work. It. Was. Amazing.
We went with Mimi and Boppy and Uncle Taylor but our little Family of four did a bit of venturing out on our own. We went to the Aquarium. Grace went last year but honestly didn’t remember any of it (except maybe the mermaid show). Isaac actually slept well in the stroller which was a serious gift. Lately if we are not napping in our crib (or pack in play) we are not a happy camper.
We spent a good amount of time out on the beach. Grace was really into having a small pool created (by daddy) for her to play in and cook with the sand. She was not into the actual ocean AT ALL. It was fun to look at as long as you did not try and get her to go in. :) Isaac on the other hand pretty much napped in the ergo. The one other place besides his crib he is happy to sleep. Right next to mommy <3 oh have I mentioned I absolutely love this baby stage? I do!
So lots of pictures at the beach <3 I have an equal amount at the pool. Grace spent a lot of time learning how to jump off the side of the submarine into the water. She was not yet sure about jumping off the edge of the pool but just the submarine kept her head still above water. I love how this girl is such a mix of independent, do it myself, daring, and yet also cautious, careful, not sure if I want to. She is so fun. Equally fun or rather funny is the fact that my beautiful girl had a blue floaty when she was a baby because I wanted to buy something I could use with either gender. For this trip I have torn my house apart looking for that blue floaty but somewhere in the move I have lost it! Luckily a friend loaned us hers so we wouldn’t have to buy a new one. Isaac loved it… but it was pink. haha. Do you think there is something funny about the fact my girl had a blue one and my boy was in pink? Oh well. Saved $20 so I was thankful :)
We took Uncle Taylor to see the Alligators with us! We had never been to Alligator Adventure before and despite the fact it was like 500 degrees out and we were all incredibly sweaty, and I brilliantly decided to wear Isaac in the Ergo instead of pushing a stroller (which created more heat for me and little man) it was a really cool place. We even got to touch a baby Alligator!
Last stop on our trip was a family afternoon outings to the board walk. It was so fun to see Grace ride all the big kid rides. Can you believe this girl is 36 inches! She was actually tall enough to ride most of them alone…. but this mama was not ready for that. So we rode almost all of them with her. hehe
It was an amazing week to rest up and prepare for the next two months. Change change and more change. Have I ever mentioned I am really not a fan of change. Like I absolutely would rather everything stayed exactly as it was. God just keeps handing me change until I accept He has control and not me. So here I am God ready for change and welcoming whatever is before me on this path you have created for my life <3
Looks/sounds like a great trip! So much love for the Mac Fam! <3