Just as one child is starting to really get into the swing of regular naps (thank you Isaac Levi) the other one is fighting them hard core (oh Grace!) The girl is so tired and frankly not always kind by the end of a “no nap day” and yet she just can’t get herself to go to sleep. She is currently standing on her bed yelling out the closed window “Rebekah I can’t see you! I can see Tabitha but not you!” I mean what almost 3 year old would rather sleep then talk to her cows…. oh goodness. By the time she finally gets herself to fall asleep my other child will be awake from his 2 hour nap and want to play. Then rolls around 4 o’clock. The time I have to decide… do I try waking my oldest up? Or do I just give into the fact she will be awake until 9 o’clock tonight. Usually I just let her sleep. Honestly it’s the cowards way out for me – she is quite scary when you try to wake her! Anyone else get booted out of your “threenagers” room with a big “I AM NOT AWAKE!” covers dramatically thrown over their head and a big sigh? Its frightening!
Nursing, I love nursing my son. I loved nursing Grace but it was always mixed in with huge insecurities and fear of doing it wrong, not giving her enough, production production production. With Isaac there is none of that fear. There is just peace. My body will do what it needs to do and my son is healthy, growing and active. However I seriously miss sleep. By this time Grace was a formula baby and sleeping 12 hours at night. Solid. Isaac is still up at least once during the night, sometimes twice (on those nights I seriously want to die). Going on 6 months of “if I am lucky” a stretch of 4-5 hours. Oh sleep how I miss you!
Yesterday after a no nap afternoon, Isaac was sleeping in his pack n play (can’t wait until we are totally moved) and Grace was watching her 2nd… no maybe 3rd Care Bears episode and I just thought I would lay down for a moment. I woke up to my Mom getting a screaming Isaac – who had apparently been screaming for a while. Thank goodness for multi generational living. Now if someone else could just produce Isaac’s mid night meal…lol
Ok so basically to wrap up this insane moment of life with moving, currently living in two places, packing with two kids under 3, planning a 3rd birthday, nursing an infant, photographing life, starting solids, three day preschool, sitting up on our own, playing hard, giving up naps, taking regular naps, still waking up in the night to feed, field trips on no school days and the ultimate…. farm work. This mama could use a long winters nap. <3
Reminding myself hourly, each day is such a blessing and such a gift. Use it wisely to share God’s love with others through your words and actions.
Show up. Be Brave. Dare Greatly
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