Happy Birthday!!! This week we celebrated Daddy's 27th birthday. He is really getting to be an old man. Good news is, he absolutely adores his little girl. =) Daddy has been going to real estate classes and is almost finished! Soon he will have his real estate license and be able to sell houses. Here they are, Daddy and daughter.

Daddy took a half day on his birthday so he could spend lunch and the rest of the day at home with his girls. While Daddy was at work, Mommy and Grace had fun making a sign and taking pictures! There were so many good ones, so I included quite a few!

On Daddy's birthday we also went to the doctor to get Grace's 4 month check up, which included her shots! She weighed in at 11 lbs 7 oz and was 22.75 inches long. She is going to be a petite little thing. As I was always told as a child, great things come in little packages! Here she is a little fussy after her shots, those things hurt! Ouch! Good thing daddy was there to sleep on.

Singing happy birthday to Daddy with some friends. Notice the delicious ice cream cake Mommy got!

Okay, had to sneak in at least one picture of Mommy and her little girl! I love you all the stars in the sky times all the fishes in the sea!

Uncle Taylor and Mommy gave Grace a bath! Notice the SG which stands for "Super Grace". She is such a big girl now in the big tub!

Happy Valentine's Day! Grace and her best friend Caleb pose for some pictures! Can you say movie stars?? I think so! PS - getting 2 babies, when one is crawling, to stay still for a picture is much more challenging then you would think!

We love you little peanut. Each day we wake up thinking there is no possible way we could love you any more, and then as the day passes you find ways of filling our hearts with more love. I hope and pray that we can always be the parents that you need us to be.
Mommy & Daddy
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