What crazy weather we are having in North Carolina! We had our first snow and it was beautiful. There was just enough to stick, but the next day it was all melted away. My favorite kind of snow, the kind that does not require shoveling! Grace once again got a chance to view it from the inside, but Mommy is not quite ready to stick her in the snow. Maybe next winter when she can sit up on her own. My beautiful sleeping baby. This is a picture of our video monitor. I just love how she is rolling herself onto her side and sucking her thumb while she sleeps. She looks so peaceful. Spoons glorious spoons! Grace is 4 1/2 months old now. When she is 5 1/2 months we will start attempting solid foods. Before getting there I heard a great suggestion to have your baby play with the spoons. That way when Grace start solid foods she will not be distracted by the spoons because she will have already become used to them. She sure loved chomping away at them. They make a funny squeaky noise when they are in her mouth. Saturday night Mommy went out for a "Moms Night Out". Daddy stayed home with Grace and look at that - Grace can actually feed herself! haha. It's too bad she is usually a breast feed baby, no bottles. It looks like she would really enjoy them. So now for the daffodil part of this post. We had mulch delivered this week. Daddy and Mommy spent many of Grace's naps out in the yard putting out mulch. It looks great! Notice too how the snow is gone and the sun is out! I believe that it actually reached 75 degrees later in the week! CRAZY!! Mommy much prefers the warmer weather. Mommy has also been doing a lot of crafting this week. I made an easter egg garland out of paint chips. I am also using mod podge to recycle a large G that Gabe had in his room as a child. Soon it will be the perfect G to hang in a little girl room. Someday she will learn how her Grandpa made is special for her Daddy and now it is made special for her. My little girl, each day you grow I get to know you more and more and I absolutely love what I see. You are so interested in life and so willing to explore new things. You amaze me baby girl. We love you with all our hearts.
Yard looks great! Love the crafts and the playing with TOES =)