I can't believe how big she is getting and how much she can do. It feels like just yesterday we brought her home from the hospital all curled up and unsure of the world. Now she is so confident of herself and her surroundings. She is getting so good at holding her head with only a little wobble here and there. She enjoys sitting up as much as she enjoys laying on her back. Her stomach has always been less then a total favorite, but she is staying on it for longer and longer periods of time. Yes, the teacher in me comes out! Each morning we have circle time where she sits up and we sing songs and read books. Here we are this morning. She likes when I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

We love those intense faces as she tries and figures our the world around her. Daddy and I really hope that she continues her fascination with learning new things for the rest of her life!
Mommy also decided this week to rearrange Grace's bedroom. It is not too different but a few things moved around. I realize it is incredibly hard to find time to actually clean this room! Either I am playing with Grace, or Grace is sleeping.... The weekends are crazy because we actually get to spend a lot of time with Daddy so we aren't cleaning then, so this week I cleaned in the morning while Daddy was still home to play with Grace. My cleaning turned into a deep clean which turned into a room change! I also included some pictures of Grace in her crib. She has lots of fun toys hanging on the sides so that she has things to look at while she is falling asleep. I try and change the toys out once a week to give her new things to look at. She also continues to lose hair on the back of her head. I am just so happy that she is a healthy baby and has the ability to move that head all around, even if it is causing the hair to break. Positive thinking. =)

Bath time! I wanted to include some pictures of Grace in her little blue baby bathtub. The tub will be going up in the attic this week. Even though Grace still fits in it, she is starting to really squirm and splash and it is causing her to flip in weird positions. Here you can see she has flipped herself completely sideways, but she can also get her bottom to go over the little seat and she slides down in the big part of the tub. She tried her first time in the big girl tub and she loves it. She lays on a white squishy mat and kick kick kicks!

Life as a puppy in the Macaluso house is good. Wanted to give a quick update on our dogs. They both will be turning 5 this year! Athens in March and Bean in June. I really can't believe we have had them for almost 5 years, although I can't remember a time without them. Bean spends most of her days sleeping under the covers in the bed or all curled up on the couch next to the heater. She is showing more and more interest in Grace. When Grace is up on the bed, Bean will go over and lay near her or lick her fingers. Athens spends most of his days running around our fenced in back yard. He loves chasing all those squirrels and showing them who is boss. Often he will just sit at the bottom of the tree and hope some animal will fall out so he can chase them! He is already very attached to Grace. He follows me every time I go in to check on her and if she does cry in her crib, which is rare now, he will come out to find me so that I can check on her. =) They are good dogs.

My girl! We have been putting her hair up in what Daddy calls "Her side pony" on the top of her head. When we pull it out before bed time, her hair stays up in the exact position it was with the hair band in it! It makes us laugh, but I had to include these pictures of me snuggling my girl.

Grace's playroom. It is really coming together. We love that it is such a fun and inviting space and we wanted to share some pictures. The yarn balls and crayon wax mobile are both pinterest inspired and we love how they came out! Thanks to Uncle Taylor and his girlfriend Jenna for helping us out with both of those projects!

All in all another fabulous growing week! Another exciting thing that happened this week was Grace rolled from her back to her side for the first time! We are just loving watching this little one grow, grow, grow. Keep it up sweet cheeks. We love you!
Mommy & Daddy
Love the blog as always!! Great pictures of the playroom - glad you capture that. Of course, all the pictures of Grace are priceless =)