shabby blog

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

4 weeks =)

Wow 4 weeks old and the time is flying by! I look at Grace now and wonder, where did my tiny newborn go??? We are officially finishing up the last of the newborn diapers, and then we will be switching over to size 1. We went to the doctors office today just to get Grace's weight. With her clothes on she was 8lbs 6oz. The nurse said she guessed without clothes she would be about 8lbs even. WOW! Can you believe how much bigger she already looks in her boppy??This is Mommy and Grace having fun playing during some middle of the day tummy time on the boppy. Grace loves to look at the world on her stomach. She is starting to recognize and track faces, but she would still prefer to look at bright strips! hehe

Bean is wondering what this tiny bundle is doing.... why does it squirm so much? haha. Soon we will have pictures of Grace towering over Bean. =)

We love this girl! And especially her spikey hair! It will not lay flat! We think its her "punk rock star" look. =) We do brush it down after baths, but up it goes despite our efforts!

3 generations of girls! Thanks so much for helping us out Mimi. It was sad to see her go this week. Grace and Mommy are making it on their own (yesterday was our first day) but we sure did love having Mimi around!
Gator socks! Willing the gators to win, and they did!! They must be lucky socks!

Mommy left Grace for the first time... EVER! The three men and a baby did a great job. Grace was in one piece when Mommy got back from her pedicure with Mimi! However, I have to say I was never worried one bit, but I did miss her the ENTIRE time. I will never be able to handle her leaving for college! She will have to stay with me forever. =)

Mommy turned 26 this week. And Grace - you are the best gift that Mommy has ever gotten! Thanks Daddy.... we did good. =)

1 comment:

  1. I think a note that the "inside" Christmas decorations go up on Mommy's (Kendall's) November 4th birthday would help explain why in pictures taken on Saturday November 5th it looks like it's December at the Macaluso's =)

    She's growing fast!! Love you guys!
