shabby blog

Monday, April 30, 2012

Painting Toes, Popsicles and Laundry

This week started out with some toe painting. Grace loved squishing the paint around and between her toes. We had to spend some time soaking in warm water to get all the paint off of her little feet. The paintings are hanging up in the playroom. They look great!

 This girl is just growing so fast! She is still weighing in at right above 14 lbs. She eats breakfast now, her favorite breakfast is bananas or applesauce. She also eats dinner each night. At dinner time she likes plums, sweet potato, avocado and squash! Grace is still wearing 3-6 month clothes. We have not even brought down the 6-9 month box. I think 3-6 month clothes go all the way to 16.5 lbs. Grace is also crawling now! Still on her belly, but she can get anywhere she wants and pretty quick. Mommy is having to adjust to keeping an eye on Grace ALL the time. So she stays safe!

 Grace loves those socks! We tease her and say "Grace, just put a sock in it!" And what do you know.. the sock comes off and in the mouth. Daddy and Mommy are very thankful that it is almost summer so Grace's toes wont freeze seeing as how they are always out in the open!

 YUMMY!!! This weekend we went to downtown Durham's art walk with Uncle Taylor. Mommy shared her very berry Popsicle with Grace. Grace LOVED it. It was delicious. As you can see we made quite the mess. Thank you Uncle Taylor for showing us such a great time!

 Grace is also very helpful now with around the house chores. Today we folded lots and lots of laundry! Grace actually peed out of her diaper last night and had a middle of the night sheet/clothes change so we had an unexpected amount of laundry to do today! Good thing she was so helpful crawling into the laundry basket to get out that last sock!

 Wanted to get these last two pictures in. Often Mommy takes pictures with her phone just to send to family, especially Daddy. Grace now really notices Athens, she often laughs at him and tries to get to him. She actually gave him one of her toys through the gate this week... which he tried to take outside and bury. Good think Mommy was on the look out! The second picture is of Grace and her friend Caleb. She loved going over to his house and exploring all of his cool toys!!! There were so many new things to put in her mouth!

All in all it was another amazing week sweet girl. I can't believe you will be 7 months old soon! 6 months still feels like my baby, but 7 months is the start of being a little person. I just love you so much! You actually just woke up and you are not happy that I have not come and gotten you yet, so I need to go. I love you sweet girl.
Mommy & Daddy

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