shabby blog

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Butterfly Kisses

This week we took Daddy back to the new park we discovered. Daddy had as much fun as Grace did! We still find that we really only need about 20 minutes at the park to get our full enjoyment and then decide its time to leave. Grace is not walking, but not sitting still anymore and that means the ground is rough on our knees! I try to remember pants, but as you can see, I often forget. 


There are so many times now when I look at my baby and I see a little girl instead. She is just amazing me this week with all the things she is figuring out how to do. Grace now STARTS a game of peek-a-boo with us. She will hold a blanket, bucket, book in front of her face then move it down quickly look at us laugh and then put it back over her face. Of course the first time she did this we were like, what is going on?? Then we realized and now we say "peek a boo Grace" which only makes her laugh harder. Here we are at a different park with Grace's friend Liam on his actual birthday. We played for a little bit and then had a picnic lunch, so much fun!


Eating, eating, eating. Grace is now eating 3 meals a day, breakfast at 7, lunch at 11 and dinner at 5:30. After she gets up from her long nap (12-3) we do have a quick snack. During each meal she drinks a bottle, has either some oatmeal or Plum Squeeze Pouches and then a lot of finger food! We are still working on getting the food into our mouth and not under our bottom or on the floor but we have noticed more of the food disappearing lately. Grace still has her three bottom teeth, the two in the middle and then one on her right side, left if you are looking at her. She has also cut through her first top tooth! The middle left one, right if you are looking at her. It only has a little point through but it is definitely there!



Summer is starting to wind down and Mommy is getting back on the healthy train. This means morning runs with Grace! Each morning after Grace has breakfast we head out for a jog at one of the local green ways. The hope is that Grace will eventually sleep during the runs or at least she will have some quiet time if she wants to give up her morning nap, but so far she is having trouble sleeping and wants to go to bed once we get home. This morning she was going "night night" with out the T sound when we drove home, but that makes me excited too that she knows when she is tired and she can communicate that she wants sleep!


Learning and teaching is such a big part of our family and we have started trying to do more structured exploration times with Grace. This past week we did our first sensory tub. We had cheerios, shapes, and a hammer. Daddy taught Grace how to use the hammer and it was very cute as she imitated his movements.

We also got up to Durham this week to visit Uncle Taylor and go swimming. Grace got to wear her very cute green with pink flamingo bathing suit! We actually got this bathing suit for NEXT summer because Grace still seemed to be on the small side, however she has just grown like a weed these last few months and so it fits! Glad we at least got one wearing out of it, because by next summer I do not think it is going to fit! Grace is now in mostly 12 month clothes. There are still a couple 6-9 month and 9-12 month outfits that fit her well, but mostly 12 month clothes are perfect. I can't believe she will be 11 months next Tuesday!



Grace is trying to get a butterfly in the second picture. Can you see it??


Sweet Grace,

You ate off of a plate this week for the first time! You did so good for about the first 2 minutes. Then you realized you could pick up the plate and bang it onto the table and not only did it make an awesome sound, but food also went flying!!! What could be more fun? You also got a new baby doll this week. She looks like you with blue eyes and everything. You love to hold her and smile at her and Daddy even taught you how to rock her, which is sooo sweet. You will be a great mama, in about... 25 years at the earliest. I love you all of the splashes in the pool times all of the butterflies you will every chase times all the pieces of food I have cut up this week.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you so please don't take my sunshine away.

Mommy & Daddy

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