shabby blog

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

38 Weeks!

Woohoo! Grace made it another week. Her little brain has gotten a whole week stronger and more developed! Now Mommy is ready for her TO COME! As much fun as its been to carry around a small pumpkin in my belly... any time or day that Grace would like to come into the world would be ok with Mom and Dad!

Last week Mommy went back to work at Bethesda. The 2nd graders were so excited and loved rubbing on my belly and saying hello to Grace. They all said they were ready for Grace to come out and they wanted to meet her!

The dogs are excited too! Bean is wondering why her sitting lap is getting smaller and smaller as she is being forced to share the space with an ever growing tummy. Sometimes she just sits and stares at my belly... lol. Athens is still into the protecting. He finds a place somewhere right underneath my feet to lay down. I think secretly he is hoping if I fall over him then Grace will get here sooner! =) This picture is from Halloween last year - I wonder if they had any idea how different this Halloween would be!

We went to the doctors yesterday (Monday, October 10th) and found out that my blood pressure is running on the high side. No concern would be 140/80 although they want it to be lower - mine was 156/92... uh oh! The doctor is concerned that I may be developing a condition called preeclampsia. After 20 weeks women can get preeclampsia, it basically effects the mother. When my blood pressure is so high there is the concern of me having seizures as well as my heart not getting a rest. They did a whole bunch of lab work at the doctors yesterday and I have to collect my pee for 24 hours - GROSS! They have taken me out of school again. I do not have to rest in bed the whole time, but my directions were "light activity".

On the flip side... I am also getting close to labor on my own! My cervix is effaced at 80%, this is the thinning of the cervix. It is also dilated now to 4 cm! I know 4 cm still seems like a small amount - but I mean this is a hole that is inside of me! After 4 cm you begin what is called "Active labor"(that is when you go to the hospital) Check out the chart to see how big that is:

So The doctor has said the 2 things that are going on, the high blood pressure, and already being at 4 cm will solve each other. Either the high blood pressure will continue and they will have to induce me in the next week, or (more likely) I will go into active labor on my own and have this baby in the next few days! They had me schedule an appointment for Thursday, but they said it was unlikely they would see me.

I am excited and scared at the same time! I am ready to have Grace and meet her, but the waiting and not knowing is not something I'm good at. I like to know what is going on when.... This is part of the reason we decided to name her Grace and I will continue to remember this: Grace is in God's hands, not mine. It is only by God's grace that we get to have our Grace and I will just enjoy every minute of loving her, even the moments that cause Mommy's stress!

Hopefully I will not be writing in here about 39 weeks!!!! But If I am... I will have more pregnancy pictures to share. (That was my deal, I love taking the pictures so it gives me something to look forward to if I still have a 6-7 lb baby in this tummy of mine!)

Oh! And Mimi and J-pa drove up last night! It will be nice to have company now that I'm at home again... and that way Daddy doesn't have to worry that I'm going to deliver Grace at home without him! hehe

Love you baby girl!

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