shabby blog

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Formula and Baby Food

This week has been full of changes in diet! Grace went from being an exclusively breast feed baby at the beginning of the week to an exclusively formula feed baby by the end. A lot of prayer and weighing pros and cons went into the decision and it was a hard one to make. Mommy loved being the one to feed Grace but my body just could not keep up with the amounts of milk this little growing girl needed. As soon as we started supplementing it was clear Grace was ready for a larger amount of milk. She is also now getting DHA, Vitamin D from the formula and Mommy is very happy about that! The transition to formula has been so smooth. Grace loves drinking out of the bottle and although at the beginning there were a few funny faces (breast milk is MUCH sweeter then formula... don't ask how I know that) she now gulps down her bottles with ease. Grace was 12 lbs at the beginning of this week. She had been 12 lbs for 2 weeks which also made switching over to formula a no brainer. She is now 13lbs! Grow, grow, grow little peanut.

We also started solid foods this week! We have been eating rice cereal every night and although it is MESSY Grace is really starting to understand what she is supposed to do with that stuff on the spoon. Mommy made up butternut squash and carrot puree yesterday and Grace LOVED the butternut squash last night. She was so ready to eat and she loves to help out by grabbing the spoon and shoving it in her mouth.

Sweet girl, you are growing so fast. You smile and laugh more and more every day. It is so wonderful to know that I get to spend each day watching and loving you. It's amazing as you transition to look more like a little girl and less like a newborn. You are beautifully and wonderfully made.
Mommy & Daddy

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