shabby blog

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We have one smiley girl who is enjoying life and growing so fast. Yes, its true, the leprechaun came to our house and turned Grace's formula GREEN! Can you believe it?

This week has been just an exciting time. We had our first roll from back to belly. We also sat for the first time ever in a high chair at a restaurant. She now sits independently for a few minutes at a time. She is still working on balancing, but she has the general idea.

Grace is loving her new found mobility and freedom! She has a lot to say most of the time, and we love it that way! It is great to hear all her thoughts, even if I can't understand the exact words, I get the general idea. She also likes to talk to her toys now, which is SO funny to watch. She really gets into talking to them and smiling at them. hehe

Here are some pictures from this week - including ones where Daddy got an awesome back pack carrier for Grace so we can go on lots of hikes this spring/summer! We are excited to get out there and give it a try!

Mimi and J-pa were also visiting this week! We are lucky they have the kind of time that they can take to be here and watch Grace grow. She just loves spending time with her family.

Grace Jacklyn, we love you little one. I hope you always feel safe and comfortable to share all your thoughts with us. We certainly love hearing them. I know I say it each week, but you are amazing! Right now you are chatting with an elephant shaped rattle. I think you are telling him that you like the way he tastes. =) All our love.
Mommy & Daddy

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