shabby blog

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Marbles & J-Pa's SURPRISE!

This week we had so much fun! Grace and I had plans to go to Marbles with our friends Eleanor and Caleb. Daddy was able to come too which made it even better! Marbles is this amazing children's museum in Raleigh. It is very hands on and has great spaces available for under 18 months, under 3 years, pre-school and under and even some for young elementary age. We were there for 2 hours and Grace would have stayed for longer... had it not been lunch and nap time. She had a blast! It has been so fun watching her become more and more independent and Marbles was a great, safe place to show off all her new skills.








Yummy healthy lunch waiting for Mimi and J-pa to arrive this week! Grace still drinks 24 oz of formula a day. 4 bottles with 6 oz in each bottle. She also still eats about 6-8 oz of puree food a day. Mostly oatmeal for breakfast and then a plum organics pack split between lunch/dinner. The rest of her diet comes from finger food and she loves it! She makes a really exciting mess, but it is amazing to watch as more and more of the food goes in and is not on the floor/tray/clothes, under her bottom, etc.

Grace and J-pa sitting on the porch in the early morning (yes Grace is still in PJ's and J-pa does not have a regular shirt on yet) Sometimes these are the best moments sitting out on the porch swing.

SURPRISE! Mimi, Grace, Taylor, Dada and Mommy all planned a surprise birthday party for J-pa! It was a  Gator Party as J-pa LOVES his Florida Gators. J-pa turned 55 in June and vacation at the beach and just summer in general got in the way of going out to celebrate. So we decided to surprise him in August. He had NO IDEA, I mean who would think that they were going to have a surprise birthday party 2 months after their birthday? The whole family was there including Uncle Taylor's girlfriend Jenna (who has been traveling the world lately, Peru, Kenya - so we were excited she was in Cary to help us celebrate)

Look who's 55. Let's do the J-pa JIVE! (Uncle Taylor came up with that fancy saying!)

Notice the Gator game playing on the TV... that is right - this Gator Party came with all the bells and whistles.


Such a great party with an amazing family. Happy Birthday J-pa!

Sweet Grace,
This week you started clapping!!! When Mommy claps to the music you clap too - that is if you are not dancing which is still your FAVORITE thing to do! We did realize why you grab one wrist with the other hand when you dance... when Mommy dances with you I hold you in my arm, grab your wrist and move your arms around while I sing. So when you dance without me you still grab your wrist. It made me smile when I realized what you were doing. You amaze me girl. I love you all the pictures in this blog times all the laughter this week times all the hands on J-pa's birthday wall plus more. You are my sweet girl.
Mommy & Daddy

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