shabby blog

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pumpkins and Firemen

This week we saw baby Mackenzie who is growing so fast! She is not a tiny baby anymore, but Grace would still rather spend the time trying to get over to the stairs and crawl up them. It is amazing to think that they will both start Kindergarten the same year!


I tried to build a baby barrier so the dogs could eat their food in peace.... not only did Grace figure out how to get out, Bean figured out how to get in. Total fail.

MOPS pumpkin patch play date. Grace had a great time in the hay with her friends Nola and Eva. We also had a yummy lunch afterwards with some of the other Moms.



Fire Safety! The Morrisville Fire dept. set up a really cool fire safety event on Saturday. We got to go in the "safety house" and learn about fire safety, we got to touch a real fire hose, we even got free popcorn and a pink hat! I think Grace will enjoy this event even more as she gets a bit older but it was still very neat. We met up with some friends while we were there which was great!


Dear Grace,

This is the last time I will write while you are still under one. I have loved this last year Grace. Never would I ever want you to go back to being a newborn (although you were cute, I was tired) but there is something about you actually turning one that means you are growing up so fast. I wish I could just freeze you at this stage forever, you can communicate but you are still small enough I carry you around everywhere and snuggle with you whenever I want. No really I am excited to see you at 1 and 2 and 3 and every age. I love you more then you can  possibly understand, until you have a daughter of your own. Grace I love you all the pumpkins we saw times all the hay you tried to eat times all the water drops that came out the fireman's hose. You are my sunshine.

Mommy & Daddy

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