shabby blog

Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday Grace!

Happy Birthday my gorgeous 2 year old. Things about Grace I want to remember at 2.
-Weight, about 25 lbs
-Height, about 33 inc (we get official weight/height in 2 weeks)
-Favorite Songs, You are my Sunshine, Twinkle Twinkle, Do You Know the Muffin  Man, Happy Birthday
-Obsessions, Tinkerbell, Mickey/Minnie Mouse, Anything Princess (Especially Ariel, the Little Mermaid)
-Ways to get her to laugh, scream like you are being tortured, pull your eyes down to show the red part under, say "I'm going to get you" and then run after, tell her OH NO, I see a pirate! (Yes we know... its a little strange) :)

Grace Jacklyn,
You are strong. You are a problem solver. You love to play independently and with friends/family. You know what you want (and you have since you were born) and you work hard to get it accomplished. Whether it is figuring out a puzzle piece or how something works, or using a toy someone else has. :) You are sweet and kind, you worry when you hear crying and look concerned, you give hugs to your friends, the word sorry coming out of your mouth melts my heart. You are incredibly good. You want us to be happy with you and you need to know that no matter what you do in life, we will always be happy with you, proud of you. You are silly. You love to laugh and you want the people around you to do things that make you giggle. We love you Grace Jacklyn. Happy Birthday! We can't believe you are TWO!
Mommy & Daddy

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