shabby blog

Saturday, December 7, 2013

highs and lows

Today I want to take a minute and talk about some of the highs and lows I have experienced over the last week. I also want to include at the bottom of the blog some of the events type things that happened in November that I didn't include previously.

High and Low - This week I took my 2 year old to see a play therapist. I think that experience was probably both a high and a low for me. Low because... well who wants to take their two year old to therapy? We have obviously gotten so totally off track as parents that the concern is there for Grace's mental  health through all this. High because the therapist thought she was functioning very typically for a two year old and in fact commented several times that her verbal development and her mental connections were far greater then she expected out of a just turned two year old. I also set up with her to start my own personal therapy in January. I really felt good about this therapist and her genuine spirit but also her none shy way of expressing her thoughts and making you think. I will start therapy with her at the beginning of January. Grace will go back and be seen again in February, to check up on things and talk about other changes that will be happening.

Low - December 3rd Bean, my first tiny baby, was put to rest. We attempted to have her adopted and actually found three different families who wanted her, but each time she was returned after a short period. She was always a very stressed and anxious dog and being passed from home to home was too much for her. They said she just cried the whole time, she also cried the majority of time with Gabe those last few weeks. Bean was my little controller. She turned grey so early trying to keep track of all of us, Grace included, and her little body couldn't handle the changes. Gabe was with her as well as my Mom when she passed. My dad met them at the house and they buried her in the back yard. I have cried most days since I knew it was going to happen until today, right now. I feel sad that we couldn't continue providing a stable environment for her, I feel sad she couldn't adjust to a new family, but I also feel that the decision was the right one, it was the decision that was best for Bean. Gabe said once the medicine was administered and she layed down you could see peace finally come over her. I don't think I had seen her truly peaceful since we lived in Morganton and she would lay in the back yard eating peaches. That is how I want to remember her. I loved you so much Bean, thank you for teaching me how to be a good Mommy.
High and Low - December 4th Athens was adopted into his new family. It is a low because once again we said goodbye to a beloved pet, but it is also a high because the family he is now apart of is an amazing one. We email regularly about Athens, they are absolutely in love with him. They have a one year old daughter and apparently Athens and her are quite enamored with each other. Athens buddy, as I pulled away after dropping you off in Greensboro (We met half way - the new family lives in Charlotte) My eyes were full of tears. You were a good boy, you protected us well, you knew when to lay next to my feet if I was having a bad day and you loved going out in the yard and just running. Your new family's first comment was that it was so obvious you were such a loved dog. You were.
High and Low - Our house was put on the market on Thursday. The sign was up and people started coming by for showings. This was a high because it needed to happen for us to move on, regardless of what moving on looks like. It was a high because the house really does look wonderful. As I look through the pictures on the real estate houses I am reminded of all the great memories in that house. There were so many. All the hours fixing it up, all the hours preparing for a baby, bringing Grace home, so many great things. Then it was also a low. There were also a lot of secrets in that house, things I didn't know, things that changed everything. My feelings are confused about so many memories in the past, what is real, what was a lie, how do you move on? I am still trying to sort it all out.
High - We actually just found out this afternoon that someone has offered full price for the house. They would like to close on January 15th. We of course have accepted their offer. Now we begin hopefully the end of this chapter. Prayers are still greatly needed as we go through inspections and appraisals.

High - We finally picked a middle name for our son. The first name we choice was Isaac Louis. Louis is also Gabe's middle name, which is why it was the pick. After all this happened I didn't feel that choice was right. I want Isaac to feel his path is not set by his earthly father, but his heavenly father instead. I do not want him to feel he is destined to follow in anyone's footsteps. His name will be Isaac Levi. Levi means joined in harmony. Regardless of all this mess surrounding the pregnancy and birth of my son I want him to know without a doubt that months before he was conceived he was prayed for, he was wanted, and he was loved. Nothing about his conception was clouded. He was so wanted, and still is so wanted. When I think of my son, I know he will be the harmony. The sweet addition that will make our song into a beautiful symphony. He will be our Isaac Levi.

Things still continue to shift every day as Gabe and I learn more about ourselves and each other. We still have serious conversations most days, but we also still just talk about our days and make jokes. It is a weird place to be in for sure, one that I am trying to use as wisely as possible but is also very confusing.

Things we could still use a lot of prayer on.
-Both of us figuring out what genuine means. What does it look like? How will we know when we see it?
-Consistently looking to God for prayer and praise throughout the day, not just scheduled times.
-Learning to trust again, and being trustworthy
-Figuring out how to move forward, what relationships and possessions should we carry with us into this next chapter, and which ones are best left behind with all the brokenness of the past.

Each week continues to have its own struggles, its own ups and downs, highs and lows. Such a simple example and yet one that so clearly explains what I mean is the mail. One day this week I received a care package from a friend. It was filled with things just to make Grace and I smile, cozy slippers, stretch mark cream, hot chocolate, a puzzle, and more. Reading the upbeat letter and just realizing how much we are loved and how even though so much has changed so little has changed at the same time. I felt honored and blessed.

Later this week we received a handwritten letter just to Grace. The letter had a totally different vibe. It was all about the sender and how they were feeling, and even ended telling my two year old that the sender had a hard November because of a small sadness going on in their life. When I read this I felt sad and honestly kind of angry. My two year old has lost more since November 2nd then most people lose in years. She lost her home, both her dogs, her daddy, the feeling of safety. She lost way more then a little person should have to lose. I felt so sad for the sender, that they would be so caught up in themselves to send a letter like this to my baby. What was the point?

I feel like this is the exact example of how life is and how it will continue to be for the rest of our lives. There will be moments that show us how beautiful this world is that God created, how blessed we are by friendship, love, His grace. There will also be moments that will bring in a cloud, an unexpected storm, there will be times that are hard to get through and things we do not understand. But even in those moments we need to stand still and see where God is working and what our next move should be.

So that is what I am doing. I am standing still during this storm and trying to see where God is working and what my next move should be.

Earlier in November a few things I missed out on sharing:

November 4th felt like I was a kid again waking up on my birthday. Okay minus the whole devastation and tears throughout the day - but Daddy had decorated it all up and as a bonus there was an adorable toddler to take stock of everything that was out. :)

Grace had her first hair cut. Mommy got her hair cut at the same time. Grace LOVED it. She requested a blow dryer at the end and when it was over told the lady, more hair cut please. lol I love this kid.
A picture of our new apartment - still need to take some more pictures for next week so you can see the final product, but I love the windows and light in this place. It always feels so open and airy. Grace especially likes the porch. I am sure in the spring it will be a big hit again.
We have watched a LOT of little mermaid. Most mornings I wake to a tiny singing voice "Look at dis stuff, in nit it neeeat" It is such a joyous sound.
Happy 80th birthday Gigi! She was here for her 80th birthday and we had a wonderful dinner party with most of the extended family and friends.

Grace has learned how to clean up her own messes... now that there are no dogs to do it for her. She is actually very good with a hand broom and pan.
 She still smiles a lot. I love seeing this girls smile.
Another room in our apartment. Boppy helped us put up stain glass on the windows. It creates the most beautiful rainbows (and hides the air conditioning until behind them).

We went for our first nature class with Boppy. We will end the little gym on January 15th and have filled the first half of 2014 with classes through the town of Cary. Between Mimi, Boppy and me we hope to continue keeping this girl active and engaged even during the end of my pregnancy and life with a newborn.

We started getting ready for Christmas. We also took great pictures of just Grace but those were for the Christmas cards... so you will have to wait a bit more to see them. :)
Gabe helped me set up the crib for Isaac. It felt like just yesterday we were doing this for Grace. It feels a lot more like something that is going to really happen now that we see the crib everyday.
 I love going on beautiful walks with my two kids. Yup here is Grace...
 and here is Isaac... :)
Thats all for now. xo - Mommy

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