shabby blog

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Finally Some Snow

It has been 3 months today since my birthday. A quarter of a year since I turned 28 and since I started on this journey of finding God and finding myself in the process. A quarter of a year since I first started really feeling this little boy kicking in my belly and a quarter of a year since my darling girl started really speaking (now in full and complete sentences). I have been so blessed. Thank you heavenly Father.
Since the last blog post we have done quite a bit. I am going to briefly go through some of our day to day activities and then end with some pictures from our family vacation to the mountains. Although our trip was planned long before the two weeks of unfaithfulness, somehow it feels like a new start. It has been amazing to watch my family support my decision and Gabe's decision to fight for this family. It has been amazing to watch them wrap us both in love and support, but also to talk about the hard stuff and not just sweep it under the rug - it happened, forgiving is a must, forgetting would be foolish. It is from our past that we learn for our future, but more on that later.
We made a prayer box this week, Grace loves it. We printed off some pictures of a few of our friends and covered them in laminate. Then we placed them in the box, which sits on the bookshelf in her room. Each night she picks out a friend and prays for them. At the beginning we used to have to prompt her prayers but now she picks her friend, kneels by the bed, and prays for them all by herself. We also love that sometimes after we leave her room, she will crawl out of bed, get another friend and pray for them as well before crawling back in bed. It truly melts our hearts.
Grace is still totally into puzzles. We now do the 24 piece puzzles that we are familiar with completely independently. We definitely need to get some new 24 piece puzzles to see how we do when it is not the 100th time we have put together the fairy or princess puzzle. :) Love this kid.
One lazy weekend we headed to marbles for the morning. We spent a while at the parachute but then she wanted to play checkers with Daddy. I have really enjoyed our weekends so much  more now that they are totally unplanned. We intentionally make time to bless the house (clean), spend quiet time with God, and spend quality time with family, but we never know exactly how that will look. I am such a planner before I would have every minute filled with activity, how much more relaxing to hand it over to God and at the end of each day say, Thank you so much God for the amazing and surprising blessings you gave us today.
Love the little brain in this tiny munchkin. She figured out all the latches on this puzzle, one we had actually never seen before, and loved opening and closing all the doors. This was how we entertained ourselves at the car shop for over an hour.... while getting a screw removed from one of the tires. Ooops!
Art at our friend Carson's house. We just found out Carson and his family are moving to Florida and we are certainly going to miss them. It has been so wonderful to have friends living in the same apartment complex.
Tot School at home. I continue to work on the Learning Oak Farm lesson ideas for babies 0-2. I do a lot of the activities with Grace to see how they work and how I can improve the lesson plans for others. Here we were making snow! We got so many forecasts for snow and yet none actually came... at least not yet :) So we made some on paper.
I had gotten into more organic and natural eating earlier this year, pre-Isaac and I am trying to get back into it. Most afternoons after nap time this is what my kitchen looks like. Happy toddler sitting on the counter, computer open with a new recipe idea, and flour EVERYWHERE. It is truly my happy time. I believe in this picture we are making Amish Sweet Bread, which we are now going to make every week and stop buying bread from the store. It was amazing!
Grace started a new ballet class. She watched at the beginning to get comfortable with the new set up and teacher, but by the end she was running circles. Her teacher commented several times that she was the amazing spinner girl. Isn't that the truth. She sure does love to spin, spin, spin.
Okay that is the small catch ups. The two big events that happened are Mimi's birthday! Grace decorated the cake! It was red velvet and wow it turned out amazing!

Also we took another hiking classs with Boppy which Grace loved, they looked under the logs for crawly bugs. Mimi and Boppy have really helped me get Grace enrolled in some classes that actually go through the summer and that they can help take her to once Isaac is here or I am too big to help, so that her life doesn't feel like it freezes once the baby arrives. I want her to feel special, loved, and just as important as she is right now, when he is here, so that I can foster a relationship of love and caring between the two of them.

Another exciting thing that happened these last few weeks is we finally saw snow! School was actually cancelled for almost a week and Daddy got to stay home for 2 days and work virtually. We had a great time out in the snow. We built a snowman, went for a snow walk, made snow angels and even tried out sledding. 

We also left in the middle of the snow storm to head up to the mountain and start our winter vacation. Of course we saw even more snow! I am going to do another post specifically for all the fun we have had on our vacation and enjoying the beautiful mountains here in Boone, NC.

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