shabby blog

Monday, March 10, 2014

Magical Moments

As the big due date approaches I am both filled with excitement at looking forward to how much fuller, how much more complete this tiny family will be with Isaac's presence... as well as sadness at the closing of this beautiful chapter of our lives. I have been thinking back a lot to Grace's birth 2.5 years ago. I remember feeling sorrow after she was born because I had to share her. When she was still inside me, she was all mine. I knew her every movement, every kick, every hiccup and I didn't have to share that. Once she was born others held her. She moved in their arms, or at night in her bassinet and I missed it.
In the last 2.5 years I have been so blessed to call this energetic, inquisitive, imaginative, creative, bundle of energy mine... and yet once again the time has come for me to share. Giving her this gift, this tiny boy to call brother, is the best thing I could possibly give her. I know. I have a little brother of my own. She is already so attached to him, she pretends different objects are our family and there is always a 4th little thing which she labels as her baby brother Isaac. She plays doctor on my belly and asks me how he is doing in there and when is it time for him to come out. I know soon she will be sharing her secrets with him and asking him to play or read books to him. I couldn't be more pleased with the bond she already feels.
I am trying to soak in these magical moments of just focusing 100% on my tiny dancer. She is such a precious gift. Here is ballet class. Grace has loved it - each week they have a different focus. So far they have been fairies, mermaids and princesses.
Tot school has once again become a more consistent part of life and as I am planning on homeschooling at least through pre-school and possibly into elementary it has been nice to remember how much I enjoy lesson planning, gathering materials, and preparing for the week ahead on the weekend.
We work on fine motor skills and one-to-one correspondence. Grace now recognizes the actual numbers 1-5 and knows how many they are. She can count up to 10 and then after that she knows several of the teens but not always in the correct order. :)

We get in gross motor play at least once a day - this Mama is usually hoping for a great nap time after a tiring morning. hehe we both need naps now at this stage of pregnancy. Grace also sorts each week. In this picture she is sorting winter clothes and summer clothes but in the past month we have also sorted princesses from their things and colors in a similar fashion. She is getting really good at gluing and loves hanging her work up on her weekly tot school wall so we can show Daddy when he gets home.
Dressing up as different princesses is an all time favorite. If someone has a princess dress she can try on, it doesn't matter the size - she wants to be in it! I believe this is a Bell dress from Beauty and the Beast.
Mimi is teaching Grace to swim. She is getting really confident in the water. Grace has also started going to the daycare at the YMCA on Thursday mornings. It is a great time for her to get socialization skills in as well as learning to listen to another adult - not just Mama and Daddy.

Painting with primary colors. We also learned that red and blue make Grace's favorite color... can you guess what it is? :)
Mama at 34 weeks. I am now 35 weeks 3 days. I had my normal OBGYN appointment today. Isaac has in fact dropped - just like his sister did... super early. I'm experiencing "baby" contractions similar to what I experienced with Grace. My doctor - who I love and has seen me through both pregnancies told me that although she could check to see if I am dilating, she would have to send me to the hospital for an over night if I was more then 2 cm... and with him dropping and my contractions I probably am dilated as well. I chose not to know and put myself on a more restricted schedule for the next two weeks. No more walking or exercising, limited carrying Grace, lots of sitting and resting and keeping this baby in. My next appointment is March 25th. At that point they will check me and if I am 5 or more cm they will send me to the hospital and start my labor. If I am not - then I will start walking again to get this ball rolling! Gabe is convinced Isaac will be born on March 25th. I am thinking April 1st - just because an April Fools baby would be kind of ironic :) I have gained a total of 17 lbs with this pregnancy although I am thinking with limited movement over the next two weeks and my growing appetite I may put some serious weight on here at the end! It is nice to be lighter then I was at this point with Grace - that is for sure!

Experimenting with shaving cream and making ABAB patterns. I draw the dots on there and she glues the princesses. We talk a lot about patterns and someday I won't draw the dots anymore - but for now it makes it a joyful activity for my two year old.
Learning about the letter Q by using water to paint it off the chalkboard. We had fun :)
Some days this is what I find in my child's room instead of her sleeping peacefully at nap time. Yes that is a leotard over her head - she is looking through a leg hole. Around her shoulders is a black tutu. Oh Grace. You make my heart feel so happy.
Grace picked out a birthday present for Isaac to bring to the hospital. It is a blue bear wubbanub. She was so cute picking it out - looking through all the different animals for the perfect Isaac one. There was seriously no encouraging her to pick one over another - but I secretly LOVE the one she picked more then all the rest! Especially for our little bear.
We also took Grace to the park to feed the ducks. The weather here has been crazy. Snowing and ice one moment and then the next we are wearing dresses and no socks. I am seriously ready for spring time. There is something about the sun shinning on your face that just reminds you how good our God is. How even after the cold, bitter winter... spring always comes.

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