shabby blog

Friday, March 21, 2014

More New Beginnings

Why not throw in some more changes in our already totally crazy story for the last 6 months. Luckily this change continues to show us God is good, when we slow down and listen he is very clear about the answer, and every day is an absolute blessing we did nothing to deserve but are so incredibly grateful for.
Gabe has continued to go to therapy and slowly work through some of the big issues that still face us in light of the situation. He is working to figure out the answer to the big question we all want to know... why? If you didn't want to lose your family, then why would you do it? It is a question he is still working through and we talk about... daily. Trust me - it is not an easy path and not one I would wish for anyone else, but it has allowed us some clarity on different big triggers for Gabe, things that push him over the edge and different things he was taught, whether intentional or not, as a child that have lead to some very damaging adult thinking patterns. It has allowed us to go through life and really eliminate unhealthy people and situations from our lives. One such unhealthy situation was work. His work place lead to a situation where he wasn't really accountable to anyone on a consistent basis and there was obviously way too much free time and the ability to leave the office at any time. So from pretty close to the beginning Gabe has been diligently looking at other jobs both a healthier environment for himself and one I don't have to think about so much. We have prayed diligently and felt no stress or pressure for him to move on, simply asking God to provide a situation that was better for Gabe and for our family if it was in his will.
Bronto has been an amazing answer to that prayer. Gabe was able to go in and interview. He was able to give his 2 week notice without a massive amount of stress or pressure added. He began his  new career at Bronto this past Monday, Saint Patrick's Day. Our "new" insurance was immediately switched over which means we cut our monthly payment in half AND we have a lot better coverage. Gabe loves the new environment, it is so warm and inviting, very family centered and many of his colleagues have two year olds and babies. He has a new phone and number, a new office space, and we are searching for a new car. Each step of the way God has shown his light and made our direction very clear. Thank you God for Bronto and another step in our new beginning.
This past weekend was also very exciting with the arrival of "Miss Lissa and Miss Deenana" Melissa and Deanna are my sweetest, best friends from high school and I can't believe we have known each other and stayed connected for over half of our lives! .
It is always so nice to actually get together with the two of them as Melissa is in Indy now and Deanna is in Los Vegas. Sometimes we seem so far from those silly girls in high school but sometimes its like we are still there. :)
 Grace is still pretty convinced we are all sisters, and I suppose in many ways she is right.
 Love you both and you have no idea how much it meant for you to come. <3
The other obvious big news is the coming end of this pregnancy and the meeting of our little boy. Today I am officially 37 weeks... full term! And boy can I feel it. I honestly do not remember being this sore and exhausted. I know they say you carry boys differently but wow. Isaac has completely thrown off my sense of balance and comfort. He is so big sticking out of my belly that there is always some hard part or some leg sticking right out. My ribs and spine are so sore at this point. I actually searched craigslist for a cheap lazy boy and am hoping to obtain one to sleep in.... tonight. Oh my goodness nights are rough! I know God is preparing me for the sleep deprivation and exhaustion that is about to hit our house in full steam but currently I dream of sleeping on my stomach, being able to run faster then my toddler, and the ability to bend down and pick something up without grunting.... it will be magical. :)
I went in on Monday with serious contractions and some other strange symptoms I didn't experience with Grace, but I will save you on those details. I have already started dilating - 1.5cm and his head has dropped, which we already knew. My OBGYN thinks I will probably still make it until April before I go into actual labor, but wow my body has already started "practicing" as they call it. Little Isaac Bear we are ready to meet you... but take your time and finish growing, I can deal with a few more weeks of aches and pains. You are totally worth it <3

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