shabby blog

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Then There Were FOUR

It has only been 3 days and yet already I could not imagine ever going back. Ok at least a couple times last night when we were up taking turns soothing and trying to get a very awake baby to sleep... the thought may have crossed my mind. :) But we are already so madly in love with this little bear.
Now back to the beginning. Friday March 28th while at Chipotle with Mimi, Boppy and Grace (after just leaving library story time) I knew something felt very different then it had before. The contractions I had grown pretty accustomed to over the last few weeks definitely felt different. They were coming every 5 minutes and I often held my breath and closed my eyes. We headed home and for the first 3 hours I drank water, put my feet up, tried to get them to slow down or stop. I did not want to be making a trip to the hospital until I thought it was the real thing.

Finally with much encouragement from Gabe (who was finishing up week 2 at the new job) and my parents I made the call and headed into Rex Hospital. Upon arrival we were informed by the doctor that although my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and I was dilated to 3 cm - I would have to make it to 5 cm on my own before they could legally break my water or assist in any way because there was no medical reason to encourage him to come. This was a far cry from Grace's delivery as I was induced due to pre eclampsia. I have never labored without medical help. What a difference it was. It took 12 hours for me to make it to 5 cm on my own (12pm on friday until 12am on Saturday). Mimi was with me the first couple hours and Gabe took over as soon as work was over.

At 12 am Saturday morning (March 29th) the doctor ordered an epidural for me and once that was administered she would break my water and hopefully my labor would speed up quickly. Unfortunately the epidural and I did not get along. Within seconds of getting the epidural in my back I could feel the whole world disappearing. Everyone sounded really far away like I was in a tunnel and could only see snapshots of what was going on around me. Gabe says within a minute the room was filled with doctors and nurses. My pulse was bottoming out and they were obviously concerned about both me and Isaac. They put something in my IV to try and wake me up and I had an oxygen mask on. Gabe said later it was pretty scary to watch. I am sure it was. Luckily I woke up and came to. They waited to break my water for another hour to give me time to really come around.

When they broke my water they thought it would kick start the rest of the labor but because of the stress with the epidural my body decided it was done. Absolutely nothing happened. Around 2am they hooked me up to petocin (which is what I had to help me with Grace) Gabe and I slept most of the time from 12-5. My body was pretty warn out and stressed.

At 6 They checked me again and I was fully dilated and ready to start pushing. First push - Gabe, the nurse and I were all there. Nothing notable. Second push - Gabe and I were alone. The nurse went to answer a call from my doctor. Gabe said he could see something down there. Third push - Doctor had arrived and I was told to stop pushing because they were not ready yet! Fourth push - out He came.
Isaac Levi Macaluso. Born 3-29-2014. 6:35am 6lb 13oz 19.75 inches. Beautiful, healthy baby boy.
From the moment we saw his tiny face we were madly in love.

We were shortly moved to another room and within 3 hours of his birth everyone had arrived to meet this little guy. Happy Birthday Isaac! Grace could not wait to meet this little one.
Isaac brought Grace a dress up from the movie Frozen and a doll of one of the characters. He already knows his sister so well. :) Here is the first time Grace held him. She was so gentle.

Here is a better picture of Isaac's gift for Grace. Grace also gave Isaac his blue bear wubbanub she picked out, which he uses at night and we ALL love. <3

Meeting Mimi.
Grace checking out her new dress with Daddy. Grace and Daddy went out for a special daddy/daughter lunch date which really helped Grace know how important she is and how much we love her, even when we disappear to the hospital.
 Meeting Boppy :)
And Uncle Taylor. Yes the worlds best uncle spent the night at Mimi and Boppy's house so he could be ready to come and meet Isaac as soon as he entered the world. They were all really happy that they weren't waiting in the waiting room for the 18 hour labor like they did for Grace's 7  hour labor. :) They would have been VERY tired. hehe
Our tiny family. Minus our beautiful and vivacious girl... who I believe was more interested in new toys that were brought to the hospital at this point. <3
Having a picnic at the hospital. This was by far her favorite thing to do each time that they visited. Grace came to see Isaac the morning he was born, again on his birthday afternoon and then when she came to see us Sunday morning she helped us load him up and bring him home. Isaac was about 30 hours old when we brought him home.

I love watching her explore and watch him and figure out what he is doing. She certainly is a great big sister.

Isaac was ready to head home!
My new backseat view. Grace does a great job letting me know what he is doing back there and keeping a close eye on him. :) What a helper girl.
 Finally the crib looks complete. <3 first night at home.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kendall, I am so utterly happy for you. You have ben blessed and will continue to be so! You are a beautiful example of beauty from ashes. I''m proud of you and so very happy for your little family!
